Just met some of the best people on the Trip so far. We met Andrea at an open mic at the Columbus Theatre. An incredible place, old theatre (whenever we talk to ANYONE about it, there are three sentances – 1) OH that’s a great place! 2) That’s really close to here, and 3) You know, it used to be a porn theatre!
Sheesh.. Porn porn porn.
Anywho, back to exploring the Will house. Not EVERYTHING is so morbid… nor as beautiful:
hehee… puppeee.
yeah, dazrite, puppies n olive oil. EXTRA VIRGIN. –>
You know, it’s not like we ever sat down and said “I want to write depressing songs” or, in Will’s case, “I need to make art about corpses and the Holocaust”. There are things in our heads, and we need to deal with them SOMEHOW. MICA… art school… it’s convenient that there happens to be an entire industry that sort of LOOKS like the same sort of thing we all do. It’s excellent that there are people who WANT our psychological leavings.
Sometimes, the art consumes you, and you don’t have time for anything else. In Will’s case, he’s lucky enough to have a couple of people who want the inner-workings of his head hanging on their walls. It’s like being paid for breathing, maybe. Maybe I shouldn’t speak for him.