Just got back from the College Perk Open Mic – good to be around so many friends. What was spectacularly nice – a side effect of being back for over a week – I got to sit in the background and play Magic and just work on my laptop as music went on around me. A couple of really good performers, but I was OFF for the night, and didn’t go try to whore myself on them… Heather and I played a version of Hugh McGowan’s “Lolita”, and then LooseN (fantastic guitar work if I DO say so myself) and a slightly mangled (but still fun) version of Valeri. A good night.
Came home to an email from Jerry, my boss from Glovia International – the day-job I ran off from to go on the Trip. Just a “Hey how ya doin” (the only collection of words he could say with an approximate American accent). It was good to hear from him. I couldn’t have ever hoped for better coworkers, and it’s good to know that I’m not forgotten – despite the fact that the moment I brought up leaving, they came up with plans to put a gym in where my office was. Bastards.
Anywho, I’m going to try and sleep before 3am tonight – so it’s bed for me. Had fantastic chocolate cake at the Perk (reminds me of my roommate from college trying to sell a slice of chocolate cake to a blonde he was waiting on at the restaurant he was working at – there was money on who could sell the last slice first – and he sold it with the line “This chocolate will make your pussy so wet you’ll slip off your chair.” More guts than ME – but this cake was like THAT!)
Tomorrow will be a day to test my resolutions… I shall practice for an hour… I shall do my pushups and pullups (lost weight on the Trip – about 10 pounds now, but the Lloyds feed us well while we’re around, and I need MAN TONE to my flabby pasty body)…. AND… I’ll do some portraits…
OH – and I SWEAR I’ll do laundry, too. (later note from 11.6.03- and I DID!!)