Gosh, there’s a lot to take care of in the next week.  I’ve got to get my Saturn straightened out before the MVA comes and kills me, or at the very least, takes my car away or something.

Anywho – dreams, dreams.  There’s another Heather in my Life now, and I’m not sure where she came from.  Heather 1 was a goddess, a woman I dated for a year or so around the turn of the millenium.  She was a dancer, and the kindest woman I’ve ever known.  Heather 2 is Heather in the band (also a goddess), and Heather 3 (also a dancer, also a goddess – as far as I know) – is someone in the current Rocky cast that Heather 2 and I have admired from afar.

Now, on top of everyone else, there’s a Heather 2.5, who I dreamt of last night.  In the dream, she was given history that places her firmly before Heather 2, after Heather 1… and whole new Heather.  So strange.

Anywho, I dreamt that Heather 2 actually Lived in a sort of… hidden high-rise.  A little apartment building that has seven levels, and I’d never known that there was a seventh level, and it turns out that a couple of years ago, they had another girl named Heather Living in a small apartment on the 7th floor.

So I decide to go explore.

So, up the stairs I go.

The stairs lead me up on to the roof, with a pretty nice view of Baltimore, and I fumble with the key I have to the apartment, and go in to a very nicely furnished room, filled with stereo equipment, covered in dust.  The main room also has a large table, lit by an ultraviolet light, with a bunch of random items on it.  A pad of paper, a wind-up rubber band airplane, all sorts of stuff.

Into the bedroom – the bed is a simple mattress on a wooden palette – and all along the edges of the mattress are photographs.  A lot of them are things I recognize, piles of ilyAIMY cards, photographs that I’ve taken, and large replicas of Magic cards – things I recognize as being from my old house, in Kensington.

I remember being so flattered because she walked off with much of my artwork during the last days of Living in Kensington – during the whole ilyARDsale stuff… but now I had a different take, seeing them all left in stacks, months after her departure – I remembered how I had said “oh yoou’re interested in THIS?” – and almost forced those things upon her… piling her up with my work, hoping for interest, hoping for her acknowledgement.

So here I was, recollecting all of my discarded attempted flirtations.

Heather 2’s parents had told me about how Heather 2.5 had looked at EVERYTHING under UV lights, so I went back into the mainroom, and started examing everything she’d left laid out.  At this point, I have some sort of flashback sequence, revealing how the ladder shaft outside the apartment (definately based on a Star Trek Jefferies tube) was used as a place for mobsters to eliminate informers, or something.  Images of men having their fingers shattered by large men with aluminium bats…

And the whole thing turns into this weird mystery that she was trying to solve, and that I now try to piece together.

Very weird, more like one of Heather’s dreams than mine.  Full of strange false memories and false histories.

But I slept well – and feel HEALTHY!!! FINALLY!!!

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