Hehe – just something worth mentioning – went to see Aoutar, which I may or may not be spelling correctly, at the College Perk. Decent enough show – they need a bass player desperately, methinks. A very cool, middle-eastern type sound.

ilyAIMY performing at Jammin Java in Vienna, VA
ilyAIMY performing at Jammin Java in Vienna, VA

Anywho – I stepped outside to call my parents, and on the way back in, two guys were standing in the doorway. I nodded to one of them, paused, said “Excuse me” at which point they apologized and stepped out of the way.

Just a favourite picture of Heather.
Just a favourite picture of Heather.
Heather and I performing at the Year of the Rabbit in Bowie, MD.
Heather and I performing at the Year of the Rabbit in Bowie, MD.
Sharif and I performing at the Year of the Rabbit in Bowie, MD.
Sharif and I performing at the Year of the Rabbit in Bowie, MD.

And on my way into the crowded room, I heard something that made me grin:

“Dude, you know who that IS?”
“Uh, no?”
“That’s the lead singer from ilyAIMY!!!”
“Oh shit. Really? I feel so stupid!”


In other randomness – my Father has this inventor friend named, unpretentiously, John Smith. I don’t know precisely what he does, but I’ve always gotten the impression that he’s paid to sit around and think… to fiddle and tinker… to create. I’ve mostly known his work to deal with stereoscopic images, and every once in a while my Dad gets a phone call. I haven’t heard it in years, but I’d recognize John’s thin, wispy voice in an instant.

So today’s random phone call could’ve included a dirty joke, or he could be calling my Dad’s attention to some article in some obscure magazine – but today he’s asking if anyone knows what that page is called at the beginning of a book, where there sits nothing but a quote, or perhaps a piece of poetry… not a dedication – but some sort of artistic introductory summing up…

No idea – John goes on to tell my dad about how he’s linked up two computer monitors, showing and running the same application, but with a slight offset to create a stereo (3D) image… and that’s not enough, so he’s hooked up ANOTHER keyboard so someone else can manipulate the same thing. He can now view 3D images, and even DRAW in three dimensions.

The world’s just so damned COOL.

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