This from an email recieved the other day… says it all, really…

“Read about your visit to Belleville. You said that we were backward. ok here, just because we drive pickups doesnt mean that we are dumb. Mine cost almost thirty thousand dollars. Have you seen that fruity mural. One of the reason many of us are against the arts is that it is geared towards the queers. Ducks Unlimited (I’m a proud lifetimer)puts on an art show here once a year and their is not just good art but great art! The decoys at the gun show can be called almost real. This takes a great sculpter.The police hassle only criminals here . If they don’t like it they should move to criminal land . Look at Baltimore, MARYland . Do I need more proof? I don’t think so.

Loved your music though, along with Duck Tape “

SpiralBridge’s Makeready Press Gallery. Mostly posters and art deco on the interior, but there were a couple of really beautiful things hidden in niches here and there.

back at SpiralBridge, a beautiful tunnel of people and poetry and light.

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