The laptop is declared dead. Justin’s Imac died. The sink puddles and floods.
The Lloydholme air conditioner dies, the Lloyd grandmother’s chair dies, and Justin’s cell phone died.
The incredible Lea at College Perk.
Symbiont at the Thai Gour.
Heather at the Thai Gour.
Lauren running sound at the Thai Gour. She glared much after this pic.
A flying machine built by kittens.
And now I’m worried about launching into another three. The Funk Box show is beginning to worry me.
Last night, I IMed Josh of September Playground because I wanted to clear a couple of last minute contractual details with him. So, THIS is when it is revealed to me that September Playground has cancelled. He’d discussed that with the booking agent a week and a half ago, and had assumed that this would be passed along in a professional manner.
Amy and I found kittens – they were building a flying machine..
So here I am, seven days before the show – and the VENUE doesn’t even know that September Playground isn’t showing. There’s NO sign of the “headlining act” – some national tour de force that the Funk Box had theoretically insisted on booking – and suddenly we’re the only act on the docket. We don’t have ANYONE communicating with us about this, it’s all pretty damned frustrating. It’s got me really worried for the show.
Does anyone want kittens? I can direct you to these beautiful beasts.
Now, I must admit, I have NO problem with playing the show, and think we could have one Hell of a night even – we’d get to play a full length set and go home satisfied – but what if the venue suddenly decides to cancel (we have a contract guaranteeing us money, but since that amount is based on ticket sales, and we’d have to refund those ticket sales, that truly equates to nothing). If the AGENT chooses to cancel it, we get absolutely nothing nohow anyhow – I’m just… frightened.
And we are just “waiting for a response”. Did I do something bad to our karma recently?
Perhaps Jeff of Symbiont, or maybe Keith of the Dreamscapes Project… maybe one of THEM like, killed someone, or ran over a kitten… and the Karma Balancer Monks mistook one of them for me, and so I’m getting all of their karmic backwash through a cosmic case of mistaken identity. I wonder how I’d go about fixing that. It would probably involve some truly hideous paperwork.
The shy one.