Yes, after the chaos of the day, Tom and Dianne of Durham (we met them as a friend of a friend – through Rabbit regular singer/songwriter Ace Colvin) are Lovely people, they have a beautiful apartment, two cats, great neighbours and some of the nicest lemon-soda I’ve ever tasted.
Incredible apartment. Conflicting aesthetics though, if you look closely. Old wood and hanging cow skulls, dusky Santa Fe-esque paintings and clean white interior. Packed bookshelves, attractive kitchen, a Phipp’s of houseplants. But there are books of chaos theory next to Native American folklore, and there are tarantulas in resin, and there is a complete collection of South Park DVDs next to… waitaminute… I was hoping to have some neat and anomolous contrasting comparison to use – but they’re next to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Dogma, and a Looney Tunes collection.
I’m showered, and it’s air conditioned, and the spiders are all contained. I’m going to pretend that pre-9pm just never existed.