Re re-encounter the ilyBaby at the Spirit Gallery in Frederick. Heather’s amazed by his rapid growth. I, however, am merely made uneasy.
Anywho, the day’s been grey, with rain showers striking frequently, stabbing from the sky rather randomly. Grey and ominous, everything is hanging low, and driving in air conditioned comfort (thanks Jeff!) allows me to imagine that Fall has us a little more firmly in it’s grip than is actually the case. As the wind picks up, there’s one leaf in particular the spirals down as we navigate the wooded roads of Olney, and it catches itself on the windshield before deciding upon it’s future home.

Unfortunately, far from bundling in flannels and seeing our breath, when we stepped out of the car the atmosphere crowds in on us oppressively, and we’re reminded that the rain is driven by tropical storms and the moist, swamp-like breath of Ivan is what we’re facing.

Michelle Murray’s new SAW open mic at Caribou Coffee was really nice – she was lucky, I think, at the mix of people that came out for the debut. I like to think that that first impression will build on itself. Despite the occassional (and unavoidable) annoyance of coffee grinders and espresso machines, there were moments of magic hidden in that coffeehouse. Andre, especially – Andre Cutair is a rare creature on the local music scene… seldom seen at all. I was surprised to encounter him all the way out in Olney, and he gave a beautiful performance with his fragile voice. A night of Songs: Ohia, Mountain Goats, and Neutral Milk Hotel had put me in the perfect receptive mood.

It shocks me to realize I’ve known him for perhaps ten years.
The movie was a somewhat spur of the moment decision. I’d known that Jason Cox had planned to gather and gander, but I was sort of envisioning just Heather and I in the darkened theatre. Events conspired against us, and we ended up being in a darkened theatre with a couple of my really old friends, and a lot of people I didn’t know… but they were a VERY good movie crew… I think I’m going to ask Jason to orchestrate such gatherings more frequently.
Well… as frequently as the sorry state of modern Hollywood will allow.