Oh my God. The Centre Coffee Bar’s open mic is one of the most fantastic nights of music and voices and PEOPLE (and interestingly leather-worked guitar artisanry) that we’ve been to anywhere. Add this to the list of places that I wish I could ship our home-Maryland crue out to. The voices would make Amy very, very happy, the cool guitar art would make Brennan happy, and the hot highschool chicks would make Sharif happy. (I know, that sort of thing USED to be fodder for an Alfred joke, but… Sharif, you’re just moving up in the world!)
We’ve got to tease our beloved keyboardist, especially when he’s out of physical arm’s reach. FEEEL OUR VOCAL BARBS since we can’t share our BARBED BEATINGS!!!
A little sign for my Dad.
[I don’t think this was initially in the Journal, but Will later turned this into an amazing piece of artwork so I figured I’d include it here! – rob 2/6/18]Sunny Warren. We were FREEZING. This is the ONLY patch of sunshine we’ve gotten the whole time!Will with Freddie and Corinna at the beach in Warren, RI. They’s all spikey-haired and moist from frolicking in the water, half-heartedly attempting to reach a goose further out in the waves. He has them trained to stay BELOW that concrete barrier (most of the time) so they can’t be seen from the road. Sigh, letting one’s dogs roam free is exciting and fun (for both the owner AND the human) but it means that the human has to spend a lot of time running from one end of the field to the other on poop-retrieval duty. I’m so glad WE don’t have to bag OUR feces on the road.Their Lyric Theatre is VERY different from the Lyric in Baltimore.The “Murder House”. “Every small town should have a ‘murder house'” says Will… One of the really awesome things about visiting with other artists is that they keep their own hours, and Will’s gotten the chance to take the whole day and play tour-guide for us – he’s been telling us all sorts of frightening stories… and good stories too. It was hard for me to imagine Will outside of an urban environment, and happily calling it home – but here he is, and he seems to Love being here.