Late night. Played a good gig with Hugh McGowan at the Burren last night. He played some percussion… well… he played drum through the latter-half of our first set, and all the way through our second set. Hands with both Heather and Hugh beating the Hell out of djembe’s is pretty monstrous.
Whitney, our host in Cambridge, brought a couple of friends out (who were all relieved to find themselves NOT being subjected to a Dread Ribbon Dance) and our friend Jeff from back home (the soundguy from the New Deal Cafe, actually) sent us a bunch of his old friends as well. An example you should ALL emulate.
After the show, we stepped out onto the rainy streets of Davis Square and admired Christmas lights and late-night wanderers. Heather and I got back to the house and were kept up by Katie, the woe-begone cat, till around 5am when I decided it was time to close the door andput in some earplugs.
Ok, it might not show really well in this picture, but the water on the right half of this waterfall on the Quinebog River looks normal, and the stuff on the left half is vividly yellow. It must’ve been a trick of the light though, cause we I went and asked a woman in shop about the “yellow water in the river” she looked at me like I was crazy.
[Dana Sterling and a Cylon make it weird. I included a couple of extra photos of Putnam, CT because – though we didn’t know it at the time (discovering it as we killed time betwixt Providence and Boston?) this town would become very important to us in coming years! – rob 2/6/18]Stopping to look at the river and weird at the locals allowed us to check out the Cargill Falls Mill in Putnam, CT. It’s like as if someone took the Seminary in Kensington and turned it’s vacated falling-down sprawl into a crowded antiques mall. Unfortunately, it was closed. Sigh. So we peered through the windows and wept at our misfortune.