Later, Tyler had learned how to play harmonica, and was fucking RIPPING with it – and had joined ilyAIMY. I got a note about it upon returning to Maryland.
I need to shave.
Driving in Massachusetts and we can’thelp but wonder – are we stupid? There seem to be so many things in the world that confuse us, and surely they wouldn’t stay that way if a majority, or even a significant minority of the people wandering these roads were confused by them. In a world where any business HAS to have a wheelchair accessible entrance simply because one if every x million people is confined to a wheelchair, surely these things must be comprehensible to EVERYONE but us… or someone would’ve DONE something… right? RIGHT?!!?
There needs to be a guidebook. Perhaps that’s what we should be writing? Who knows.
Ok, so what’s my beef? What’s causing me angst?

Ok, so if you’re at a gas station that only has full-serve gas, do you tip? How much do you tip? At a row of toll booths where there’s lots of signs that say “smart tag ONLY” how is it logical that EVERYONE ELSE knows that all you’re supposed to do is drive up and take a ticket!?!!? On roads that go straight and don’t have any signs, HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT THE NAME’S CHANGED AND YOU’VE BEEN ON THE WRONG ROAD FOR TEN MINUTES AND ARE RAPIDLY MOVING FURTHER AND FURTHER FROM YOUR INTENDED DESTINATION WHERE YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE ON STAGE AS OF 20 MINUTES AGO!!???!
Ahem. That is all.