Wow, so I just heard that Conan O’Brian is going to have Ani Difranco on tonight. I think that this will be first time he’s ever had a musical act that doesn’t suck. How nice.
It’s been a rough day. Yesterday was so relaxed, full of wandering and Indian foods… today has been dumb and expensive, and we haven’t even gotten out of Massachusetts yet. I hang me head in shame. I got the car towed. No big deal, and I’m not going to go into details. Should’ve seen the sign, didn’t see the sign. Paid the towing fee, gonna pay the ticket, but again, won’t bitch too much because the same thing would’ve cost about five times more in Baltimore City. Ploo. So now we sit in traffic on our way North to go visit Dan Blakeslee. I wish we had either wings or a car plow.
Ok, so the Historic Cargo Falls Mill of Putnum CT has been transformed into something extraordinary. When we went back this Sunday, it was thankfully open, and… the interior was beyond our wildest imaginings… room after room of antique goodness. Keep watching for, they are planning on creating a whole bizarre mall here, including a shop for antique musical instruments, a shop entirely devoted to Holland, an outdoor pavilion… I can’t wait to go back and see how it comes along.
Heather found a bar. Heather desired the bar, and even looks good behind the bar, but at $12,000, Heather can’t HAVE the bar. Poor girl.She wants to make a coffeehouse some day, and this really would be the coolest place to purchase all the coffeehouse accoutrements… sigh. We’ve GOT to get a lucrative record deal.
Then I rounded a corner and found HIM and his babies. Apparently, one of the owners of the shop took a picture of the Alien to a sculptor in Thailand, and this is what came out of the viewing. If you want him, though, he’s substantially more expensive than the bar. Close up, you can see that he’s made of bike chains and screws, bolts and wiring. My friend Chris has decided that what we REALLY need is a couple of these guys, but remote controlled. We’d take them to the supermarket and let them hump the shopping carts and chase the other patrons. It’d be fun. You know, for the kids?
Beautiful glass. They didn’t have much small stuff out “yet”, they were currently focusing on the architectural…And the downright weird, apparently. I don’t know that you could pay me enough to spend the night there. Not alone, anywho.