I had a dream the other night with the full awareness that my Father had died. Previous dreams involved just having him in the background, like he always was… then progressed to dreams where the cancer was some sort of mistake, and he was going to be fine, and then dreams where he was still alive, but sick again, and the whole process was just about to begin again, but this time we knew the hopelessness, the helplessness, and the inevitable outcome..
The Mug of Destiny. I think that this well-meaning yet ill-conceived birthday present from my parents, given years ago (most likely for my 18th birthday) probably did a major job of reshaping my Life. Titled "This Being a Grown-Up isn't all it's cracked up to be", it's filled with the nightmares of adult Life. Well, no, generally it's filled with hot chocolate. It's covered in the nightmares of "the real world", and I spent a lot of time being absolutely horrified at what I was supposed to have to look forward to. It's exactly the stuff I'm trying to avoid. Though... from what I can see above... well, we still pay health insurance. And our car still has troubles here and there... we get backaches from our jobs... at least we don't have mortgage and we always get to eat other people's butter, hey?  Sigh, there's butter in the house where we're staying now, but no bread. Well - getting closer everyday. If we ever get our million-dollar record deal, I'm going to have all the BEST breads. My friend Chris says they way he'll know he's "made it" is that he'll be able to eat as much as he wants and not worry about it. He'll know he's made it when his scrawny frame can become so fat he can't fit through his front door - and when he doesn't worry about it either.
The Mug of Destiny. I think that this well-meaning yet ill-conceived birthday present from my parents, given years ago (most likely for my 18th birthday) probably did a major job of reshaping my Life. Titled “This Being a Grown-Up isn’t all it’s cracked up to be”, it’s filled with the nightmares of adult Life. Well, no, generally it’s filled with hot chocolate. It’s covered in the nightmares of “the real world”, and I spent a lot of time being absolutely horrified at what I was supposed to have to look forward to. It’s exactly the stuff I’m trying to avoid. Though… from what I can see above… well, we still pay health insurance. And our car still has troubles here and there… we get backaches from our jobs… at least we don’t have mortgage and we always get to eat other people’s butter, hey?
Sigh, there’s butter in the house where we’re staying now, but no bread. Well – getting closer everyday. If we ever get our million-dollar record deal, I’m going to have all the BEST breads. My friend Chris says they way he’ll know he’s “made it” is that he’ll be able to eat as much as he wants and not worry about it. He’ll know he’s made it when his scrawny frame can become so fat he can’t fit through his front door – and when he doesn’t worry about it either.

The other night in Disputanta, VA, staying with Chelsea and Beau, I dreamt that I was standing in the hallway at my mom’s house, and that I glimpsed my dad sitting in a chair in the Living room (a chair, bright yellow and long since disposed of in the real world). He was almost solid, and though he motioned me closer, I couldn’t hear what he was saying. I don’t remember being shocked in the dream, and I remember telling other people about the vision, and them telling me that it was a good thing. I think my brother could see him too. I woke up confused and feeling comforted that this was confirmation of the existance of some sort of afterlife, a promise of continuation – until I remembered that we’d thrown at the chair and realized that it was a dream. That sort of threw me. I’ve been feeling a little off ever since, I suppose.

Audrey 'Dahl singing melancholy songs at my Father's non-service at the Folk Art Cafe. We had decided not to have a real "funeral", but rather a party of sorts - we had some music and a LOT of food (mostly supplied by Audrey). And the Folk Art Cafe was kind enough to open on a Monday and let us use their space. We really wanted to have something at a place that he'd enjoyed while he was alive, and though I fear I looked at my mom like she was crazy when she first floated the idea, I quickly came to like it. In hindsight, it really was one of the best ideas possible.
Audrey ‘Dahl singing melancholy songs at my Father’s non-service at the Folk Art Cafe. We had decided not to have a real “funeral”, but rather a party of sorts – we had some music and a LOT of food (mostly supplied by Audrey). And the Folk Art Cafe was kind enough to open on a Monday and let us use their space. We really wanted to have something at a place that he’d enjoyed while he was alive, and though I fear I looked at my mom like she was crazy when she first floated the idea, I quickly came to like it. In hindsight, it really was one of the best ideas possible.
Rick 'Dahl listening intently. (My Aunt Laurie and Uncle Greg, in from Georgia, are in the background). One of the things that I have always appreciated about death, and funerals (if this has been a "funeral" per se, it would've been number 34 for me, I think) - is the way they bring people together. Aunts and Uncles, so much family, people I can't keep track of. So many of my mother's friends, and more friends than I knew my Father had. The bitter half of me, of course asks why they weren't around while he was still alive, but I still enjoyed the stories. I met my Dad's college room mate from Arizon State who told me about how they'd run off in my Dad's Jaguar and taken a roadtrip from Arizona to the Newport Folk Festival to go see Janis Joplin - about how my Dad had talked his way into one of the local diners and got them the "local" prices on everything from sandwiches to clam chowder.
Rick ‘Dahl listening intently. (My Aunt Laurie and Uncle Greg, in from Georgia, are in the background). One of the things that I have always appreciated about death, and funerals (if this has been a “funeral” per se, it would’ve been number 34 for me, I think) – is the way they bring people together. Aunts and Uncles, so much family, people I can’t keep track of. So many of my mother’s friends, and more friends than I knew my Father had. The bitter half of me, of course asks why they weren’t around while he was still alive, but I still enjoyed the stories. I met my Dad’s college room mate from Arizon State who told me about how they’d run off in my Dad’s Jaguar and taken a roadtrip from Arizona to the Newport Folk Festival to go see Janis Joplin – about how my Dad had talked his way into one of the local diners and got them the “local” prices on everything from sandwiches to clam chowder.

Friday morning we got up and drove from Disputanta to Carrboro, North Carolina where they were in the midst of an Art Walk. Open shops and open doors. Carrboro is a strange little college town with poorly defined boundaries and murals on every available flat surface. Heather, of course, had nothing to worry about, but I had the fear that if i stood still for any length of time, someone would come out of the woodwork and art me up.

We discovered a happy lizard living about the shutters at my Mom's house. I think one of my uncles pointed him out... and then talked me into shaking the shutter a bit in the hopes of coaxing him out a little bit. Not too much luck with that. He seemed happy with where he was.
We discovered a happy lizard living about the shutters at my Mom’s house. I think one of my uncles pointed him out… and then talked me into shaking the shutter a bit in the hopes of coaxing him out a little bit. Not too much luck with that. He seemed happy with where he was.
Heather with balloons at my Dad's non-service. Dressed in bright colours. Who'd've thunk? That's my Grandpa in the foreground.
Heather with balloons at my Dad’s non-service. Dressed in bright colours. Who’d’ve thunk? That’s my Grandpa in the foreground.

All of our Northern North Carolina friends came out and represented at the Open Eye (Cafe of the Dark Lord), and in honour of Sauron (the logo for the Open Eye looks very much like the Eye), I even sang a special version of “the Best Ever Death Metal Band Out of Denton”. Hail Sauron. A special thank you to Russ and his wife (the nail queen!) for coming out, and on top of everything else, mentioning us in a drum circle to a local duo, Alison and Darren. On Russ’ advice, they looked me up, and Darren is slowly working his way through learning Deep in the AM. He seemed thrilled to actually watch us play – their enthusiasm just lit up the room.

Then our host for the night, Jamie, also brought out a bunch of friends. All in all, we had a pretty decent crowd. Jonathan Byrd (who’d we met at the Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival a couple days previous) even walked in. Go fig. Oh he of the beautiful CD designs.

vNear Chelsea and Beau's place, where we crashed on Thursday night. I took a photograph of this "abandoned" falling down house. Going back and looking at the picture and realizing it had satellite TV was kind of funny.
Near Chelsea and Beau’s place, where we crashed on Thursday night. I took a photograph of this “abandoned” falling down house. Going back and looking at the picture and realizing it had satellite TV was kind of funny.
n Carborro, NC and it's surrounding environs, everything is arted up. Here's a bug that would crush ALL of Amy's intricate minions. I mean, not to underestimate her creatures, but really - little wiry critters vs massive feet of wood? Of course, this guy doesn't look too bright. If Amy's minions are clever enough to construct traps and then maybe, I don't know, light him on fire or something... well, I don't want to pontificate on the subject TOO much - it wouldn't be a fair fight if I gave anyone ideas, now would it?
n Carborro, NC and it’s surrounding environs, everything is arted up. Here’s a bug that would crush ALL of Amy’s intricate minions. I mean, not to underestimate her creatures, but really – little wiry critters vs massive feet of wood? Of course, this guy doesn’t look too bright. If Amy’s minions are clever enough to construct traps and then maybe, I don’t know, light him on fire or something… well, I don’t want to pontificate on the subject TOO much – it wouldn’t be a fair fight if I gave anyone ideas, now would it?

After the gig, we went back to Jamie’s and just shot the shit with her and her friends till about 3am. I like the feeling that we restore a little youth to everyone we visit – allowing them to relive the college days of late night roommate conversations. It’s something that we all seem to miss, that sense of comeraderie. Apparently, having roommates just isn’t adult anymore, but it’s something we all regret losing, to some extent at least. I think the ideal marriage would have a lot of roommatish traits… 2am hour-long conversations held sitting in a doorjam because you’ve passed on the way to the bathroom.

Hehe – we just passed “The Lost Sock” laundromat…. and a “waterfowl impoundment area”. Don’t know about all that.

We’re travelling slowly down route 1 near the southern edge of North Carolina. Construction and detours have us lead astray, but not for long. We found my father along the road along the way.

Paintings and murals everywhere! When we go back through I'll make a more concerted effort to capture them, but I was all moody and not good about pulling my camera out.
Paintings and murals everywhere! When we go back through I’ll make a more concerted effort to capture them, but I was all moody and not good about pulling my camera out.
Heather playing to Alison at the Open Eye Cafe. She and her partner, Darren are in a band called Optic, and were turned on to us by our friend Russ at a drum circle. Darren eventually contacted me in an effort to learn Deep in the AM which involved a WHOLE lot of back and forth emails and IMs and even videos.
Heather playing to Alison at the Open Eye Cafe. She and her partner, Darren are in a band called Optic, and were turned on to us by our friend Russ at a drum circle. Darren eventually contacted me in an effort to learn Deep in the AM which involved a WHOLE lot of back and forth emails and IMs and even videos.

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