Last night we ended up at the open mic at the Rusty Nail. I miss that place – our first introduction to Wilmington, I feel sort of bad that we didn’t have a gig booked there for this time around. In any case, the open mic was (like everything down south this time around) running late and Heather and I sat in the bar watching Animal Planet shows while waiting for things to get rolling. The bartender recognized us and asked us if we wanted to kick off the night (I probably should’ve asked to see if we could’ve gotten any money out of the deal) but I think Heather and I were pretty content to see puppies and camels being birthed, and if nothing else, there was a puppy behind the bar, too, that I really enjoyed playing with.

Hungry hungry trout things. I Loved their little O mouths. This is just the beginning of the swarm, inspired not so much by the food that Heather was getting ready to throw, but by the pick she dropped in the water while hunting a quarter.
Hungry hungry trout things. I Loved their little O mouths. This is just the beginning of the swarm, inspired not so much by the food that Heather was getting ready to throw, but by the pick she dropped in the water while hunting a quarter.
Hear that princess? It's the Screaming Eels!!!
Hear that princess? It’s the Screaming Eels!!!
The feeding frenzy brings fish and ducks and seagulls - and the fish chase EVERYTHING.
The feeding frenzy brings fish and ducks and seagulls – and the fish chase EVERYTHING.
Real eels at the Ripley Aquarium in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Real eels at the Ripley Aquarium in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

The open mic was ok. Loved the hosts (they’ve switched formats AGAIN, and I’ve sort of given up on my open mics pages for the moment) but the guy who came up after us was a bit much for my traditional folk oriented nerves… younger crowd there than normal… not sure what to chalk that up to. Was school out? Were we there on a different night? Has the clientele just shifted? Je ne sais pas. Initially, we were pretty hopeful that a younger crowd might respond to us better, but it became pretty clear pretty quick that they were pretty frat, most of them, and perhaps more interested in “the girl with the big jugs” (their words, not mine!) than in our music.

Heather gets crabs at the Aquarium. We'd been seeing huge billboards for the Ripley's Aquarium all up and down route 17 on our way to Myrtle Beach, and we'd long ago decided that we were going to go and check it out. So Sunday morning we got up bright and early and high-tailed it over there. By 4pm we'd purchased our tickets and were wandering through a truly beautiful aquarium. I'd argue that overall, the one in Boston was cooler, had more stuff, but this one certainly focused on some of the flashier, friendlier stuff. Big tubes that you can wander through, surrounded by creatures, and a lot of hands on stuff... you know... for kids. Well, mostly for me, actually.  This is Heather showing how there's nothing to be afraid of with horseshoe crabs... and she was right...
Heather gets crabs at the Aquarium. We’d been seeing huge billboards for the Ripley’s Aquarium all up and down route 17 on our way to Myrtle Beach, and we’d long ago decided that we were going to go and check it out. So Sunday morning we got up bright and early and high-tailed it over there. By 4pm we’d purchased our tickets and were wandering through a truly beautiful aquarium. I’d argue that overall, the one in Boston was cooler, had more stuff, but this one certainly focused on some of the flashier, friendlier stuff. Big tubes that you can wander through, surrounded by creatures, and a lot of hands on stuff… you know… for kids. Well, mostly for me, actually.
This is Heather showing how there’s nothing to be afraid of with horseshoe crabs… and she was right…
But I still made a face when I picked one up and it was like, all squiggly and squirmy and flippy and UNDERNEATH...
But I still made a face when I picked one up and it was like, all squiggly and squirmy and flippy and UNDERNEATH…
Fourteen billion hairy squirmy legs. At the staff's insistance, I poked my finger in there and petted the middle. I didn't like that so much.
Fourteen billion hairy squirmy legs. At the staff’s insistance, I poked my finger in there and petted the middle. I didn’t like that so much.

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