Mmm… gentle fatigue seeping through me. I look forward to a slow collapse. Tonight made up for the Bluebird. Not by much, but it did. We went to the Douglas Corner Cafe open mic and ended up seeing a whole lot of the same people from the last two nights – I was really happy to see a couple of guys from the Sutler, and pretty pleased to see some of the Bluebirdians in a place where I could HEAR them.

Ali at the open mic at Douglas Corner Cafe in Nashville, TN. Isn't she Lovely? Sigh. It was funny sitting with her Dad as she went up on stage and took the world by storm - watching him cringe as she's surrounded by male admirers was... well... I sort of felt like saying "there there" and patting him gently. But man, she has a flock already...
Ali at the open mic at Douglas Corner Cafe in Nashville, TN. Isn’t she Lovely? Sigh. It was funny sitting with her Dad as she went up on stage and took the world by storm – watching him cringe as she’s surrounded by male admirers was… well… I sort of felt like saying “there there” and patting him gently. But man, she has a flock already…

It’s interesting how with all the billions of musicians floating around Nashville, that over the course of three open mics, I’d guess that the vast majority of players we saw were had attended at least two out of the three.

We were drawn away by our friend Tony after our set and pointed to a writer’s night at another bar across town. Heather, Treva, Josh and I all pulled out and rushed over there, unfortunately losing Ali and her dad in the process.

Josh (Treva’s beau) is in the background as David Llewllyn listens carefully to Heather in the foreground. Josh’s CD is wonderful, just so you know – and David was this amazing combination of Celtic ballad sung by Jethro Tull, if you can imagine such a thing. It was a wonderful combination. I’m not sure of the name of the bar we were at – a writer’s night being run by Kathy Hussey

Sigh – much rushing around. More about that later – I actually don’t feel much like writing right now. Snoooooze.

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