PLOJ XXXIII was a success, though – as always – very different from what I expected. We had gotten a huge article in the Washington Times which I had semi-hoped would result in a lot of new faces.

I did then get a bunch of emails about the article, but I don’t think any of those emails translated into exciting new, warm bodies.

But that’s all separate from the actual PLOJ. We DID have exciting new warm bodies – they just came from where they were SUPPOSED to come from – i.e. slowly spreading word of mouth!

Some fungus for Heather because I miss her.
Some fungus for Heather because I miss her.

It was the first PLOJ in forever that I actually taped – Brennan set up some mics and we just let the recorder run all night. I’m going through the recordings now. A lot of good stuff.

In any case, despite the new faces, kind of a small PLOJ, which was fine – a little more intimate. The only really negative side was that we had lots of PLAYERS but few writers, which means there was a lot more dead space, trying to sort of figure what was going to happen next, than usual.

We ended pretty early, tired and sleepy and a little moody, depressed, I cleared out of there by about 2 in the morning and went back to my mom’s house to collapse and slow

ly totally fail to actually fall asleep.

A couchfull of PLOJ newbies. Isleen on the left, Becca in the middle (she did a Lovely rendition of White Rabbit - and poses good for the camera) and Meredith who was responsible for bringing the new creatures... she played a bunch of tunes from PJ Harvey and the Dresden Dolls that I didn't recognize. It was really cool to hear her take charge of the room.
A couchfull of PLOJ newbies. Isleen on the left, Becca in the middle (she did a Lovely rendition of White Rabbit – and poses good for the camera) and Meredith who was responsible for bringing the new creatures… she played a bunch of tunes from PJ Harvey and the Dresden Dolls that I didn’t recognize. It was really cool to hear her take charge of the room.
Heather and Jill and Brennan lead us in renditions of Rocky Horror Picture Show covers at PLOJ XXXIII on July 9th, 2005. Not something I would've expected, actually - but Joe Isaacs appears to be singing along!
Heather and Jill and Brennan lead us in renditions of Rocky Horror Picture Show covers at PLOJ XXXIII on July 9th, 2005. Not something I would’ve expected, actually – but Joe Isaacs appears to be singing along!

A gorgeous trumpet solo in the midst of Io's rendition of Johnny Cash's version of the Nine Inch Nails song "Hurt" at PLOJ XXXIII.
A gorgeous trumpet solo in the midst of Io’s rendition of Johnny Cash’s version of the Nine Inch Nails song “Hurt” at PLOJ XXXIII.

Jason and Heather dancing to “the Stray Cat Strut” at the College Perk at PLOJ XXXIII.

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