August 14th, 2005.

I’m staying with Rowan tonight, perhaps in danger of giving meat to all those rumours. I’m glad I’m here. He’s off with his lady but will come back in time to do some hanging out before it’s time for unconsciousness. Well… officially time… it was time to be unconscious hours ago, but I persevere for the sake of cartoons and silliness.
The horror of 50's wallpaper uncovered and discovered while gutting the kitchen at my mom's house.
The horror of 50’s wallpaper uncovered and discovered while gutting the kitchen at my mom’s house.
My mom's kitchen. In the driveway.
My mom’s kitchen. In the driveway.

I really miss Living with Rowan – and one of the biggest reasons was that we discovered the absurdity that is Adult Swim together – and it’s somehow just not the same, watching it with out his huge laughs or his “ohhhoho”s of horror.

In any case, I’m just barely staying awake, no matter how eager.

It’s been a long couple of days. And the kitchen has just been the start of it. I’ve been doing a lot of painting of kitchen ceilings and walls. I’ve been avoiding flooring. I’ve done a lot of hauling of kitchen parts into and out of my Mom’s house. And I feel bad, because I’ve made my escape, but my uncle is still hanging in there.

Yesterday was the infamous College Perk 8.13 Festival. It’s a long story about the name . It doesn’t actually involve my hamster. That was a lie. Let’s just say that 8.13 is a number of great significance, and has been for a long, long time. Vast occult significance it has. I fear though, that Brennan’s useage of it could make the gods angry and he might be struck with lankyness…. oh. Yeah, well, it’s MEANT to be FUNNY.

I have no record of wtf – I think this is Heather in a ballpit at Ikea?
A weird side-effect of working in my mom's house, of course - is that I'm running across reminders of my father and remiders of things from so, so long ago. Lightning hir the tree across the yard when I was 9 - zapped along the clothesline, disintegrating it, and into the house. My Dad had had a couple of weird lightning experiences, including one with ball lightning that came down the chimney at his mom's place, and then hovered there in front of them, shedding sparks.
A weird side-effect of working in my mom’s house, of course – is that I’m running across reminders of my father and remiders of things from so, so long ago. Lightning hir the tree across the yard when I was 9 – zapped along the clothesline, disintegrating it, and into the house. My Dad had had a couple of weird lightning experiences, including one with ball lightning that came down the chimney at his mom’s place, and then hovered there in front of them, shedding sparks.
One of the first acts of 8.13 - the Making. God they rock my world. Dave just has an exquisite voice. They'd come with a full band, but the heat pushed them indoors, which was a little difficult volume-wise, but everything worked out just fine. They just dripped alot. But then again, so did we. S'all good.
One of the first acts of 8.13 – the Making. God they rock my world. Dave just has an exquisite voice. They’d come with a full band, but the heat pushed them indoors, which was a little difficult volume-wise, but everything worked out just fine. They just dripped alot. But then again, so did we. S’all good.

The 8.13 Festival was a marvel of musical collection. Brennan’s a genius when it comes to dragging cool people together, and it was stupid, stupid, dumb luck that the weather conspired against him so heavily. I just don’t think that any of us were going to win against a 105 degree heat index. The bands actually ended up starting indoors to avoid the heat, and then eventually moved outside when things got a little less oppressive.

I was in a weird mood, mostly from the heat. Just …. artistic… you know, ups and downs for no apparently reason. I fear I was a bit of an asshole here and there. If I could’ve fucked the air conditioner I would’ve, but even if it was putting out, I still wouldn’t have treated it well..

But the show was awesome. We didn’t let the heat stop us, and I feel like we put on a pretty damned good show.

Same thing went for today in Richmond. The heat was INSANE. Hell, at 8pm, driving to Rowan’s, the bank thermometers were STILL reading 98 degrees, and that’s just not RIGHT. I Love watching people preparing for a boring little acoustic set and then getting their asses handed to them by strings and drum.

It’s arrogance, but I’m beginning to think it’s earned. In any case, fatigue is setting in, so I think I’m going to stop babbling, post a picture or two, and take a nap so I’ll be fresh, so fresh for Rowan.

Velvet at the 8.13 Festival at the College Perk in College Park, MD. I get the impression that they MIGHT'VE thrashed around more if the heat wasn't endangering their very souls.
Velvet at the 8.13 Festival at the College Perk in College Park, MD. I get the impression that they MIGHT’VE thrashed around more if the heat wasn’t endangering their very souls.
There was also Smash Day at the Perk on 8.13. Later, all of this was on fire, too. That's Brennan, ending the Life of something that no-one wanted at the yard sale. Unfortunately, just as I snapped this photograph, my friend Tyler remarked "oh, I was just thinking how I needed a desk". Too slow, Tyler, too slow.
There was also Smash Day at the Perk on 8.13. Later, all of this was on fire, too. That’s Brennan, ending the Life of something that no-one wanted at the yard sale. Unfortunately, just as I snapped this photograph, my friend Tyler remarked “oh, I was just thinking how I needed a desk”. Too slow, Tyler, too slow.
Daniel Lee - exquisite voice and fantastic guitar - possibly the best male vocalist I know of. Period. Soul and soul aching and with a great sense of humour. He was experimenting with playing a kit at the same time, but I fear it stole away from his standing spectacular rock star qualities. Still, the version of "Case of You" that he and Heather did was heart-breakingly beautiful.
Daniel Lee – exquisite voice and fantastic guitar – possibly the best male vocalist I know of. Period. Soul and soul aching and with a great sense of humour. He was experimenting with playing a kit at the same time, but I fear it stole away from his standing spectacular rock star qualities. Still, the version of “Case of You” that he and Heather did was heart-breakingly beautiful.
Heather's little brother playing headball. As you can see, he merely tipped a foul on this one, with the mannekin head ricocheting near his feet. After this they moved on to apples. After being sprayed with apple chunks, however, the audience forced them to move on again.
Heather’s little brother playing headball. As you can see, he merely tipped a foul on this one, with the mannekin head ricocheting near his feet. After this they moved on to apples. After being sprayed with apple chunks, however, the audience forced them to move on again.
Dan Zimmerman heads up Dr. Rocksinger and the Age of Longing. Brennan grinning cheesily. I think this was Phil's last percussive performance at the Perk, as he moves to Arizona in a couple of days. We'll miss him muchly. Go to Dan's website. It will make you laugh.
Dan Zimmerman heads up Dr. Rocksinger and the Age of Longing. Brennan grinning cheesily. I think this was Phil’s last percussive performance at the Perk, as he moves to Arizona in a couple of days. We’ll miss him muchly. Go to Dan’s website. It will make you laugh.
Hrm. There's me, still covered in the remnants of my mom's kitchen. Glaring at the 8.13 Festival at College Perk in College Park, MD.
Hrm. There’s me, still covered in the remnants of my mom’s kitchen. Glaring at the 8.13 Festival at College Perk in College Park, MD.
We're About 9 performing as We're About 6 at the 8.13 Festival at College Perk.
We’re About 9 performing as We’re About 6 at the 8.13 Festival at College Perk.


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