I’ve been thinking about the End of Days, Armageddon, whatever. Lots of melodrama. A lot of really bad things have been happening recently, on all sorts of fronts. 2005 is going to always be a very, very black year for me.
But on a larger scale, how high can gas prices go before our gasoline-based economy simply collapses. I mean, eventually, people simply won’t be able to afford to go to work anymore, and then everything breaks down. I know that’s a real worst-case scenario, but – what happens then? There are these spectacularly stupid politicians that get up on the podium and state that raising the price of gas will enforce conservation – but we haven’t built our world to WORK around the concept of conservation. If the system breaks down, what then?
It doesn’t help at all that I’m reading a book about the brink of nuclear war. And of course, being a sci-fi geek, I pretty much think about the end of the world every day… but it makes me wonder about my practical post-apocalypse skill base. Will I still try and travel with my guitar even after I’ve welded armoured plating to my Saturn? And will I get a CHANCE to learn how to shoot before I’m cut down by highway gangs seeking my gasoline and water?
I guess I’m kind of taking this personally. The year’s been rough, this week has been stupid, and now I feel like Katrina and OPEC and George Bush have all banded together to assault my personal goals and dreams. I just don’t know what to do.