September 29th, 2005.

Feel the funk y’all. Uh. Huh. UNGH! Yeah, dancing in Nicole’s Living room, listening to Jungle Boogie. On the floor, doing my patented Jungle Rob Writhe. Ladies… swoon… SWOON I SAY!
Heather teases Nicole and Lee's cat, Raleigh. Raleigh prances in return. He looks like he's been made out of cinnamon and dipped in powdered sugar.
Heather teases Nicole and Lee’s cat, Raleigh. Raleigh prances in return. He looks like he’s been made out of cinnamon and dipped in powdered sugar.
Raleigh catches a bug, and Heather, being ... kind? Steals the bug away and puts it JUST out of reach. Oh, and Heather being kind, as soon as Raleigh finally figures out how to get the beetle (after 20 minutes of paused Bourne Supremecy) Heather once again takes the bug away from him and frees it outside.
Raleigh catches a bug, and Heather, being … kind? Steals the bug away and puts it JUST out of reach. Oh, and Heather being kind, as soon as Raleigh finally figures out how to get the beetle (after 20 minutes of paused Bourne Supremecy) Heather once again takes the bug away from him and frees it outside.

North Carolina is the home of the swiftly changing schedule, with about three or four gigs added to the next two weeks’ schedule in the past 72 hours or so. A house concert in Durham, the Comet Grill in Charlotte just offered us a gig for tonight after we played at their open mic last night. The owner walked in during our last song and demanded that we play another. The guy who books Caffe Driade just asked us about our free dates for next week. It goes to show, if people see us, they Love us. It’s just getting seen that’s the trick.

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