I keep remembering my dreams, which though welcome, is a rarity. It means I’m ACTUALLY sleeping, I suppose. Getting enough rest to even manage REMiness and dreaminess and rememberance. The night before was a very nice erotic fantasy about someone I’d met recently. I’m not going to go into too many details, but I fear it was kind of stereotypical porn-ish. I was some sort of pool boy or maintenance guy and the woman was looking for help getting her bed hooked on to something. She asked if I had something to nail it with, and it really went downhill from there.

Good dream though. I woke up in a confusion of hair and disappointment.
Last night I dreamt of being in the studio (yes, I know that’s a damned HINT) and of fighting with our studio engineer. I’d dreamt that a number of the tracks had been screwed up and I woke up angry and cramped.