November 16th, 2005.

Mid-november. Heather and I are sleeping in Philadelphia with the windows open wishing that we were in a place in our world (or a place in THE world) where we could sleep naked. To say that it’s unseasonably warm would be an understatement.

Philadelphia is full of distant sound – it reminds me of Baltimore, but somehow further away… the sirens never seem to be RIGHT HERE, and the screeching tires never seem to be RIGHT HERE. A lot of loud talky people seemed to be right here at around 7am, but that’s the case no matter where you Live, where college students and random wanderers seem to peek through windows, looking for the exhausted, before taking up their invariably noisome and always top-of-the-lung and pointless conversations.

Last night we took the night OFF. AND by OFF I mean we decided that leaving for California last night and playing an open mic in Harrisburg on the way just sounded like too much work.\

We hung out with Shane and Ian and played some video game where I spent my time trying to avoid head-on collisions with other cars while simultaneously racking up the largest amount of property damage by ramming just about anything ELSE. Not good practice for the everyday world, but pretty damned satisfying once you get the hang of it. My only lament is that the car selection was so limited… I wanted a Saturn, or maybe a Volkswagon bus with flaming exhaust pipes… it wasn’t destined to be.

Watching Sex and the City, playing… er… “Battle Racing Ignited BURNOUT Revenge” and adding in a healthy dose of web programming, it was a pretty satisfying night.

My cold has just about burnt itself out, but so has the rest of me, from sleeping on a pseudo-couch that appears to be mostly blocks of foam and a flate plane of wood. I can manage to sleep on about half the wood and half the foam and then wake up at weird angles (listening to inane conversations outside) and unable to move from a combination of the slope I’ve slumped into and blinding back pain.

In any case, the sky is grey outside, people are kicking the fallen leaves, and I’ll have to go get the car soon. Heather’s still bundled underneath blankets, denying the day. I’m looking forward to California with a mix of eagerness and trepidation and am sort of eager to get under weigh, sort of wishing I could roll over and go back to sleep.

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