Fallen from the sky, I got an angel from Colorado on a plane yesterday. Sean Morse was a singer/songwriter we met on the second month of the Trip or so – out in Denver, Colorado – at an open mic somewhere. He’s been friends ever since, he calls every once in a while, sends me songs in French when I’m feeling down.Sean Morse, a friend from Denver, Colorado. He has a beautiful voice and a beautiful manner. While here he’s spewed out little songs about getting crabs in Baltimore, the sudden absence of pot bellied pigs, and, well… all sorts of stuff.Snow came down after Sean’s arrival.He brought the beauty of Colorado with him.
On a whim while IMming back and forth, he checked ticket prices to Maryland and booked a plane. Here he is. We’re supposed to play a gig tonight, but the snow’s coming down hard, and I’m afraid it’s not really going to happen. So we’re sitting in the house and watching the snow come down and listening to Sean sing and watching the TV on mute. Kate Beckinsdale as Alice in Wonderland… not too shabby. Probably better quiet though.
Though over the course of Saturday night I received 6 emails from other friends cancelling their gigs due to the snow, we still headed out into it and played our little hearts out at the Pour House in Westminster, MD. Sean opened for us and though attendance was really, really low, we did have a great time. Sean’s an amazing performer.I was pretty giddy after the drive back to Owings Mills. I think my adrenaline was in pretty full flow, fighting all the way home with a 20 minute drive that turned into an hour. I Love this stuff.Pour
And I’m doing that thing that I see people do with their digital cameras. Reviewing the image while the action’s still going on. But there’s something to be said for writing in the moment.
His voice is entrancing, and he writes the Love songs that… I feel like if I’D written them, I’d have gotten different answers.