Cretceous Groove playing at the SK Net Cafe in Charlotte, NC. On the one hand, I think that whoever booked the bands for the night was quite possibly on crack, as the mixing of musical types was a bit insane. (everyone else was SO HAPPY!) – I really enjoyed meeting these guys. I’m sorry I’m not chipper. Well… not really. I liked fucking with bass player and pretending that the ebow was a figment of his imagination.
Disturbed by the frequent thwacking of birds into the windows of Nicole’s house, we stepped outside to find this little stunned creature in the bushes. We set him up on a branch with some wander and took advantage of his compliancy to discover just how soft he really was. Someone will probably scold me for this, but it was a beautiful experience.

Let me talk to you about bathrooms. I’ve talked about them before. Let me onto the floor again. The cold, tile floor most likely. We have encountered many a bathroom – from the tiny, tiny afterthought of a water closet hidden away at one end of Chris’ house in Savannah, GA, to the horrific Octojohn in Kerrville TX, heated by their semi-transparent clear roofs to the point that the air is something you can unfortunately taste, chew, and swallow.

Heather and I went to see Night Watch at this theatre… the Galaxy, in Raleigh, NC. Incredible movie. Go see it. Very cool movie house. There were even shooting stars in the ceiling. When we got out of the movie the place was absolutely abandoned and very, very creepy. It was like the world had ended while we weren’t looking, which is always one of my fears.

In Providence, RI I bent over at the wrong time and received a shower brush in an orifice for my troubles… In Owings Mills, MD the shower curtain thinks nothing of moving in closer, closer, and finally embracing you in its cold, clammy embrace… In Belleville, IL the eyes of parrots follow your movement’s every move… In Loveland, CO the water pressure could strip the skin off your body and exfoliation is quite, quite unneccessary… in Charlotte, NC you have to convince the water to rinse your shampoo away, cause if you’re not awful nice to it, it’s going to be very, very casual about coming out of the faucet… in Wilmington NC you’ll be lucky if the whole damned construction doesn’t come falling down and you have to use a capo to clamp the pipes back into places (Schubb, obviously not a Kaiser!) and in California PA, not only do they not have any hot water, but they have a strange drain that flips rather than pulls or plugs, and I once spent 15 minutes shivering and wet trying to figure out how to make the water go down without calling for help. It was not a good day.

A unicorn at Jamie’s house for Katy cause I forgot her book.

I remember trying to stand upright in a shower in Pennsylvania only to bump my head against the showerhead. Kneeling in the shower just feels like you’re about to be executed, so I spend my time there in a difficult semi-crouch rinsing with rapidity as the water rises around my ankles.

Heather and I played the Cave on Tuesday in Chapel Hill, NC.
Playing at Victoria Axelrod’s open mic at the Southend Brewery in Raleigh, NC… we were the features for the night and she seemed really happy with us. I wish I’d gotten a better picture though… like… really… what was I thinking? I swear, she’s really, really beautiful and I really, really don’t have my hand on her ass or something.

Heather and I are very…”civilized” when it comes to any sort of even-close-to-nudity around one another, so it says a lot that back in Charlotte, the battle to figure out HOW to make the shower GO involved Heather standing in a towel and my scratching my head, pulling, pushing, prodding and unscrewing multiple parts of the hardware to know avail. Eventually we had to call our host at work.

The Disappearing J’s at the Southend Brewery in Raleigh, NC. They remind me of what would happen if Ashraf’s rhythmic aesthetic took over Might Could’s musical proficiency. It’s very, very cool – a three piece act with two tight guitarists and a cajon player, they’re opening for us tonight and I’m pretty excited about that.

And the shower here in Concord… it’s shaped for a woman’s body. One who walks like a model. It’s weird curvy interior forces the ankles together and hugs the hourglass form. I on the otherhand keep knocking my parts against smooth wetness in unexpected places. Oh, and then halfway through the shower, all the steam condenses into cold water on the ceiling of the shower unit and starts drrrripping drop by cold drop onto the top of my scalp…. oh what adventures we have!

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