April 11th, 2006.

Getting up at Will’s and spending the day in slowly shifting shafts of sun. We got to go to a late lunch with Will and Mary. Mary’s as Lovely as she always was, never-changing and beautiful. I always wonder how often they see one another and if there’s still any awkwardness there. I know it’s been a long time for them. It’s also none of my business.

We’re driving straight home tonight and I’m slightly apprehensive of that.

We join up with Transcendent Third for one last gig at WestSide Arts in Providence , RI . We’d hooked up with this arts collective through their open mic years ago and Love the people involved, though previous events have been a little lack-lustre. This one, however, the space is really cool, the people are really cool – they’re right down the street from RISD too so they’re getting a decent audience as well. All in all, a great night. Also, our long-lost Rob Spectre shows in spirit if not in form, and Rochelle shows up to tell us he misses us. It’s so very good to see her again too, and to get a brief moment on the phone with Rob.

We opened for this band, Divider at Ned Divine’s in Herndon, VA. They were quite theatrical and very, very loud. We retreated lest they melted our earballs. I know this means I’m too old. Fuck you. Trust me, I made exceptions… just not that night. That bar MADE me feel old.

It’s so funny – we meet so many people, and I let one or two of them get me down. My mind is filled with one in particular who I haven’t heard from in weeks. There was supposed to be something special there, and it was totally in my head – and I’m letting that tarnish these moments. It’s stupid – especially when I’m spending so much time around such spectacular people who Love us and treat us well.

Man, the difference in our CD sales between when WE’RE running back and forth and running our merch vs when we’ve got a couple of women back there selling our stuff – thanks Brandi!

Anywho. After WestSide, we say our goodbyes to the Twins and after a brief discussion over which path home crosses the fewest tolls, we head out, aiming to make Owings Mills before seven in the morning.

This is not my ideal method of travel. Call me a pansy, but I like four hour stints. And I like them at hours when I don’t think I’ve got to stave off exhaustion. And I DEFINITELY like them NOT to be after a gig. and yet here we were, pulling out of Providence , RI and heading south at 70 at around 10pm .

I got to go to Toys R Us. Scratch that. I HAD to go to Toys R Us. It was a calling. The new Legos are awesome. Series 3 of McFarlane’s Dragons are beautiful. The Sigma 6 Gi Joe shit rocks. It would be a good time to have money and a place to call home.

No matter, we’ll make it.

There’s a poetry to being the only thing moving on a road. Alone but for truckers and the last couple of gas stations. We would’ve beat dawn but for the traffic around 95 approaching Baltimore . Heather struggles to sleep in a pile of blankets and pillows as I push forward towards more familiar roads.

Oh, and did I mention $2.50 Pikachu? You’ve GOT to have a bunch of those...

Tired tired and of course unable to fall asleep. We run across her dad as he’s waking up.

Tired tired.

Tonight we also had a listening party to critique the album. We’re close indeed, and there’s a gratifying couple of songs that are deemed “perfect”. I’m so proud of what we’ve created.

A little chick for our almost Easter gig at the New Deal Cafe. I’m still not entirely sure where he came from.

We’re almost there.

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