April 28th, 2006.

I’m happy for my brother.  All this marriage stuff… I’m also sorry for him.  Absolute chaos.  I’ve been painting numbers on to little circles which are being glued on to little folded thingies which are being placed on tables so that people know where they’re due to park their bottoms.

Houston’s weather seems to have calmed a bit for our arrival, or at least cooled.  My brother said it was supposed to be 90+ degrees and thunderstormy for the weekend, but it’s turning out to be 80- degrees and grey and grumbly.  Could storm… could not… my brother is organizing a sort of SWAT team action to set up and disassemble the outdoor decor at a moment’s notice.

More of the beautiful drive…. waterfalls as the weather warms and the rains come tumbling down.

For those of you familiar with MY fantasy about having a band that gets set up like that – what can I say?  We’re brothers!

In the meantime, I’m working on finishing off the new album artwork.  I’m impressed despite myself. i’m arguing back and forth in my head regarding fonts and colours and colour saturations and image complexities…

Oh – but now I have to set that down.  I’m about to be swiped to make corsages.  Shit.

Playing at Katy’s 21st birthday party in Cary, NC. Katy has pointed out that maybe I’d have more romantic success in the world if I didn’t roll my eyeballs back in my skull while I was playing. BLEAH! (i think this photo is courtesy of the birthday girl herself)

Corsages?  My mom says “I think they’re making the corsages in Del’s lab because it’s cold”. Eep.

All of us together, exhausted and ready to crash on the numerous blankets in the next room. Katy’s someone I first met at the open mic at the now defunct Six String Cafe. She came up and introduced herself, and I think I remember her asking me about my relationship with Heather or something. We’d been in off and on contact for a while till we met again, and then since then talk most every day. I think we’re a good counter-point of one another’s sanity. It’s sometimes nice to have a good friend who’s just SO removed from your everyday Life and destined to stay there. I was so glad we got to go and do this for her – still, we’d been keeping the secred (Katy’s mom, her boyfriend and I among others) since last September or so. Big, big, big conspiracy. The look on her face when she walked in and said “…” and then “What’re YOU doing here?!!” and then saw her recognize the rest of the band… that’s like light.

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