April 30th, 2006

This rob is only barely conscious but his head is still ringing from the thunderstorms’ passage.  My brother’s wedding is SUPPOSED to be outside… oh how they’re hopeful… the weather is dubious and dripful. 

Oh frabjous day, calloo callay!  My brother’s getting married today!

Katy’s Lovely dog, Tigger, occupies Sharif’s patch of floor. There was much dog-ousting.

Huh.  So, I start thinking about weddings, and I think that talking to the Catholic priest about my past wedding experiences wasn’t the best thing.  The last one was between my friends Dave and Patrick and the one before THAT I spent fending off the attentions of a gay harpsichord player.  Neither of these stories were good ice breakers with a Catholic minister. What can I say? I was stuck in a tuxedo in a tiny room with a preacher! I grow uncomfortable in such circumstances and I talk too much when I’m uncomfortable! Sigh.

Don’t know what to make of the wedding ritual.  How much of those vows, about raising any children that God sees fit to bless them with in a home respecting the values and beliefs of God, the son and the Holy Spirit (not Ghost – whoooooo!).  It’s certainly not something that’s in my head, not in my belief structure. Still George and Del are one of the most perfect couples I’ve ever seen. They really, really glow in one another’s presence. It’s beautiful.

My only gripe is that weddings aren’t for single people.  At least, not unless there are acouple of OTHER single people floating around.  George seems to be the last of his friends to get married.  Lots of pairs, lots of couples – you could almost hear it as I was introduced – people aren’t used to saying only one name.  People don’t say “I am” they say “we are”.  After a while the whole affair begins to get me down, and I start thinking about how I want to go home.

The morning after with Katy, her man Ryan and her mom Sara. Sara’s got to be pretty proud of her subterfuge, keeping things together through the careening catasrophe curve that is Katy’s last minute decision to go do X as opposed to the planned Y. I also finally got to meet the rest of Ryan’s band. I’ve only heard a couple of clips, maybe one whole song, but they could well fill the aching metal hole in my heart.

Ok, so while working on the artwork for the new CD, I’m thinking about how it’d be cool to be able to shoot underwater, and with mission in mind, we head out to Best Buy with Rowan’s brother in the hope of purchasing an underwater kit for Sharif’s camera. Upon our return, dejected at teh multi-hundred dollar cost of said kit, I’m thinking… Hell, I’ll volunteer my camera for a little experimentation. After a bit of searching of Rowan’s Dad’s kitchen, I’m preparing my little Sony Cybershot for a submarine expedition in a couple of plastic bags. Above you can see some focus experimentation. Rowan’s whole family gathered to watch, and I knew I was onto something good when his mom said “That is SOO black!!!” Then his brother spoke up and said “Mom, I’m so glad YOU said it. But I was THINKING it!”

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