May 18th, 2006.

Also, I know I have a billion pictures of Sharif sleeping in weird and cute positions… but… you know, there’s a reason. So damned cute.

Tuesday night I went to the College Perk open mic. I’m trying to see if I can’t be part of some sort of community again – it’s frustrating to be alienated from all your friends, to no longer be part of a scene, to no longer be a regular some place.

Might Could and possibly their last performance at the open mic. I know I have a billion photographs of them that look JUST LIKE THIS… but… I had to take one more before they go their separate ways. Besides… I don’t have any with Tim sticking his pick out of his mouth.

In any case, I want to be a regular at the Perk again, if at all possible. I’d Love to be at WDAV a lot too (now WGAY), but that’s a Friday night and frankly crazy impossible.

So, my mom comes home from Texas to find that someone had cleared out her yard. Sort of. All the ivy (which roots the dirt in the back of the house to avoid having really bad foundation problems) was torn out. All the plants my mom had planted were ripped out. The firewood was gone. The COMPOST pile… all sorts of things. And to add the weirdness, they’re just all piled behind a couple of trees in the backyard. What… the …. fuck….?!?

Well, I was half-way through watching Might Could’s set the other night when I realized that it might be the last time I see them perform. I mean – their farewell show is this Friday (see above about Fridays) and this little open mic performance might be the last time I see them united.

Driving to the Cup on Friday afternoon… when you encounter something like THIS you’ve GOT to take a picture.

At the Cup in Bel Air, MD. Andy James is opening for us performing mostly to Pikachus (pikachi). However, before too long the place really, really filled up and we had one of our best coffeehouse shows EVER.

It was interesting… well… it was a little heart-breaking actually, watching Tim dealing with the end-of-school pains of watching his friends go their separate ways. Some are going home and some are heading on. I guess most of them are getting jobs that take them away some place else.

I never really understood that. You build these friendships for years and years and years and then at the first drop of cash on the table you run off and feel like shit for doing it. Most people are never again in a position to make friends like you did in college. Sacrificing them for your cog in the world seems backwards, but I’ve never really had any success in convincing anyone of that.

You can argue that in the modern age of cell phones, the elimination of long-distance, the presence of email and Livejournal and all that crap, that distance doesn’t really

matter any more… but I don’t think there are many of you who can honestly say that most friends are out-of-sight out-of-mind. Which is fucking sad.

Though I’ll be less afraid of where I fall on the College Perk open mic list, I’m going to miss Might Could terribly.

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