I went to an art opening last night for my friends Sonny Roelle and Will Schaff, and it got me to thinking (as those two often do) about the difference between where I came from vs the difference of where I am now.
I don’t really miss the attitude of art school, or of art openings and the whole crowd. (though maybe I only claim to not miss it because I’m so hopelessly not a part of it anymore) I’m in with a whole other kind of attitude.
NOMO at the G-Spot in Baltimore, MD. They announced the beginning of music by meandering through the gallery space beating on all sorts of different instruments. I Loved the way they swapped instruments all night and how solid their percussionist was. They were awesome.
The self-confidence that both Will and Sonny project that I admire so much – that complete and utter skin-confidence – where they both just seem so very comfortable as who they are come what may and screw whatever opinions others may have. It’s the sort of thing that I’ve never seemed to be able to relax enough to have. I wonder if there’s any possibility of ever getting something similar, or if I’m doomed to continue and end my Life as a nervous little creature.
His Name is Alive at Will Schaff and CW Roelle’s art opening at the G-Spot Gallery in Baltimore, MD.
If I can just stop… listening… but I’ve never managed to do that without risking my empathy. And I could never be happy doing that.
And as for the opening itself? I was amazed by the opening band that they had playing – NOMO was a really, really cool horn and percussion band. Fucking awesome. And of course, Sonny’s bent wire was awe-inspiring and Will’s work was frightening and beautiful. I suggest that everyone make some time to go check it out over at the G-Spot (ironically
kind of hard to find and even harder to get there, but. you shouldn’t let this discourage you) as their work is only up for about a week.
Ugh – well, I’ve captured consciousness with a headcold or the most monstrous assault of my allergies ever and I feel of the ick. The CDs get here tomorrow and then we’re off to Connecticut… we shall see what we shall see.