July 10th, 2006.

Puppy at the CUP!!!! So sleeeepy! So cuuute! A Cuppy? Perhaps? No?

I’m not sure of what to make of the day. It’s almost grey, but then sunshiney. It’s almost too hot, cloying, but then there’s relief. I’m being toyed with on a grand scale.

But only with the weather. On other fronts, Life’s pretty good. We’re in a relaxed patch at the moment. We’ve got money and I’ve got some web work which is kind of a nice change of pace from gigging for a little bit.

All in all, Life’s just sort of… alright. I think it’s rare for me to sit back and feel kind of satisfied, especially when the PLACE I’m sitting back at is my mom’s house, a spot that usually makes me feel pretty ill-at-ease. She’ll be coming home soon, and I’m hoping we’ll have a good evening, too. Maybe we’ll watch crappy sci-fi or be optimistic about the future.

Of course, maybe she’s drugged her gazpacho. It’s really, really good and I don’t think I was in quite this groovy mood before I snuck a sampling.


Not that I REALLY care. It’s really, really, really, really good!

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