August 6th, 2006.

Ugh. I’m sneezing like crazy and my nose has decided that the season has officially really hit summer, or perhaps my nose has decided that the difference between 100 degree moist outsideness and 70 degree dry indoorness is just too much. Nose bleeds, headaches – things would be kind of miserable if it wasn’t for the company.

Heather playing drum for Jamie Purnell at Oliver Twist’s in Raleigh, NC. We Love running into him, and we do so over, and over and over again. It was good to know our friends Love him too – Katy and Sara stayed extra though they were sleepy just for Jamie.
Visiting the New Bird at Deanne’s. Chili is happy and peoplephilic. I’m listening from the next room as Deanne tries to convince Chili to go to the bathroom somewhere OTHER than on her. “Go poop. No shake. Go poop. I’ve got a seed. Only if you poop. Go poop. Not unless you poop. Well… you better conjure one UP!” It makes me giggle.

As always, Deanne is quite a comfort. We came in to Wilmington last night and settled in to a dinner of genuine Southern fried chicken before heading down to our show on Front Street. Rowan, when you read this, be jealous of the butter beans that we’ve been eating. Rowan makes great fried chicken, but you just can’t GET the butter beans.

Deanne has another bird, a third little green parrot named Chili, who’s just the most affectionate little beast I’ve ever encountered. We WERE getting along great, he likes having his head scratched, but then he discovered my earrings and now I’ve got to keep him at arms’ length. Further, really – if he gets to my finger tips, he skitters on up my arm in no time, and then I’ve got to grab him, and he tangles his little feet in my hair and nips and doesn’t WANT TO LEAVE MY HEAD!!!!

Lactose Quervo opening for us on a Saturday night at the Soap Box Laundro-Lounge in Downtown Wilmington, NC. We were all playing a benefit for women’s shelters, canned food, a little extra cash, et cetera. A very, very good collection of artists.
Someone’s Sister playing their Lovely hearts out to support women’s shelters at the Soap Box. It was really good to see them out and about again.

It was probably a good deal safer to go play the gig down on Front Street.

We were playing the Soap Box Laundro-Lounge with Someone’s Sister and Lactose Quervo, and after a bit of a rough start (static in the PA and time hairiness) things got rolling. A lot of people came out for the show, and I think I hadn’t realized how many were there for us until the very end, when the place just emptied after our set. Katy and Sara had come down from Cary to see us as well, and it was good to have a little bit more time with them, though I was pretty moody, kind of worried that they’d pick up on that.

It was an interesting night – Lactose Quervo operating as a duo is pretty crazy. Great saxophone, great guitar. It was cool to see them operating as an acoustic duo. Someone’s Sister, as always, great harmonies, a lot of new songs. And then it was awesome to go up and play a set to one of the most enthusiastic audiences ever. People yelling, we had a woman in the audience with the lyrics to “Oh Damn” scrawled all over her uderwear (we got to sign woman’s underwear! we’re REAL rockstars now – lack of heroin or no!). I Love the women of Wilmington. They’re crazy.

Well, when “oh DAMN” is written across your ass by your girlfriend, and then “hey sweetness” written in… other places, well, I’ve got to sign my lyrics, see?
But of course, Heather gets the cheeks.

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