August 13th, 2006.

A particularly long night. Or at least it seems it. I’ve been at Perk since about 2 in the afternoon, and I didn’t really sleep much last night. Took a nap from 10 to midnight , then woke up and was up and stayed up till 7. I managed to sleep till 11, but mostly it’s tossing and turning. I feel like I haven’t slept this weekend at all and I’m fiending for unconsciousness. The night here at Perk is ending with Proverb, a very solid reggae band. I think if I was less exhausted I’d be really into them, but at the moment I’m just annoyed that they didn’t bring enough equipment and that they’re using my mics and my cables so I can’t… go… home. Home being Owings Mills. Where there’s a bed.

Staying with Chelsea and Beau in Richmond, VA. Less music than I’d hoped, but I got some time in listening to all of Chelsea’s new riffs. Her voice is just so Lovely.
It’s good to see them all together again – Chelsea and Beau and their happy, happy dog, Mariposa.

I want to watch television till I fall asleep. Then I want someone to wake me up and I want to groggily almost make it up the stairs under my own power, stumbling halfway, and to not remember how I get the rest of the way to bed.

The last couple of days really have been great – down in Richmond we met up with the rest of the band and played a pretty spectacular (and spectacularly exhausting) gig at Café Diem. There’s something that really lends energy to you though when you hear that the booking agent, the kitchen manager, and two waitresses have rearranged their schedule to work the night you’re playing. The flattery in that is immense.

The old pump building on the James River in Richmond, VA. Apparently they used to have fancy dance parties on the upper floors, grand balls and music on the water. Sounds Lovely. Still looks Lovely.

Other than that, Cafe Diem was pretty straight-forward. High energy, push push push. The recording from the night turned out great, and a couple of those recordings may well find their way onto the Diskompression CDs whenever they come to exist (which ought to be damned soon!). It was good to have Chelsea’s Dad come out, though when we’d already been running for fifteen minutes and I was worried he wasn’t coming, I called Beau to get Chuck’s number… but he hadn’t turned off his phone, and he answered it on stage, and it was just silly. He called back and tried to catch ME on stage, but I shut my phone off. Sheesh. Silly hippie.

Friday night we left Richmond at 1am and headed out to Brooke’s place in Virginia . It was about halfway between where we were and where we planned to be and so we got on I-95 and listened to Antje Duvekot and Murder by Death and watched my battery dwindle as we headed further and further into the Virginian nowhere.

It’s like the entrance to the Labyrinth. Though with dauchshunds instead of Hoggle.

Arriving at Brooke’s, everything is dire quiet. The stars are relegated to one clear patch of sky, and the rest is covered in the glazed icing of moonlit clouds. Sharif and I both have whipped out our cameras and are documenting everything in sight, braced on the cars, the trees, the old wooden fence.

Cool wood growth things in Richmond, VA.
Sliding down things that I’m not supposed to slide down in the James River Park in Richmond, VA.
a Gigantic Spider Beast (GSB). There’s something about them when they’ve got long black sharp talony things. Good lord.
LEEZARD! We spotted this five-striped skink at the James River Pumping Station in Richmond, VA. I spent a lot of the day chasing him and his kin and have a LOT of photographs with little blue blurs in them.
while in Richmond, Heather and I crossed the James River over, and over, and over again, and it became our quest to go find some place to look at it from – that’s how we ended up discovering the pumping station and the spiders and even a woodpecker!

I’m not going to talk about the bird at this point. Or the cat. For later – breakfast with the band, driving to West Virginia , the Avalon Folk Festival, escaping, punchy Home Depot visits and the Tentacle. The politicians and the Perk. Homecoming.

Rowan and Sharif brushin’ dere teef! I like it when we all crash in the same place. It’s like a fun little sleep over. And then we all woke up together, and Brooke even made us breakfast! I’d bought them donuts, but that doesn’t compete with eggs and sausage and other such fineries. After waking up bright and early we drove off to the Avalon Clothing Optional Resort for their annual Folk Festival. So many naked people! It was an awesome show, lots of signatures. Lots of remembering not to squat down to talk to people.
Says it all, really. Not sure what it says… but all of it is definitely said. There’s no need to say any more, is what I’m saying. I just think the flavours should obviously be more chocolatey.
When we finally found it, we met Brooke’s insane bird. Crazy loud, this creature made noises that made bursts of feedback sound just fine. I figured that having been partially deafened by Rowan’s bones all night, inured by having slept with many OTHER birds, sleeping with a pillow over my head and with ear plugs in would make it alright. It did not.
The moon as we rolled up to Brooke’s house after playing in Richmond, VA.

Rowan and Sharif and I all synchronizing our directions and devices before delving into the Virginian wilderness in search for Brooke’s house.

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