While in Galveston, I’ve been doing alright. An offset from Sara’s schedule of about two hours, going to bed by 3am and waking up a little before 11 – puttering and poking and checking on the creatures and watching the shrimp and playing with the cats. On my hoped-to-do list I’ve made unfortunately little progress. I can’t seem to focus very well, and I’m feeling anxious about the stagnation of my lack of movement.
I’m Loving my time, but sitting this still makes me feel old, makes me realize that I won’t be ready to sit this still for a long, long time – and that the angst I go through sometimes, packing up a toothbrush or wishing for a bed, is a long way from the amount of agony i’d go through actually giving up this Lifestyle.
I like the pets though. I like going down to the laundromat (sorry – Washateria) every Sunday and seeing the same faces. The woman who works there on Sunday afternoons was washing a number of huge comforters, and either she knows of some great change in the weather and is preparing, or her air conditioning must be spectacular, because there is very little call for such thick, sumptuous coverings.
It makes me crave fall with a hunger that’s hard to quell. Normally around this time of year the Rennaissance Festival advertisements would be telling me that summer is finally coming to an end – September sounds so very autumnal – and Sara’s convinced that she’s seen shifting leaves even here in Texas. Soon we’ll be wandering New England again, and if our timing is right, we’ll see the true fire works of the North East… that wil do my soul some good.
George and Del came over tonight – Sara made an incredible pot roast, stuffing, chocolate mousse pie. We went to the beach and released our hermit crabs and caught a bunch of new ones. These guys seem to be faring pretty well, even eating… one of them, however, is exceptionally pinchy and I feel I might not be trusting him with any fingers.
George and Del, as always, are the perfect match and make me grin. I think we all hit stupid-o-clock kind of early in the evening, and were reduced to absolute silly giggliness by midnight. It was absurd and Lovely. Texas really is geographically inconvenient. Stupid idea to place a state out here, really.
The hermit crabs keep pretending that they’re not there. I keep pretending like they’re fooling me. They make me grin.