Hrm. My head hurts. Slightly too much sunshine followed by a lot of grey and not enough sleep all around. Sara and I are hanging out at a coffeeshop down the street from the Cosmos Cafe where I’ll be playing the open mic, and maybe, just MAYBE, unloading the rest of the CDs I brought with me to Texas. I’ve just surpassed Heather’s number, but she managed to sell a bunch of CDs at just one open mic. I’ve been to about five to sell one or two more than her. Sheesh… people just don’t trust my honest face, or they want to strand me here.
All in all, it’s actually kind of cold. I never thought I’d say THAT in Houston, TX, but it’s rainy and grey and we’ve been visting Best Buys all day and we’re sitting under the air conditioner to get our hands on free electricity… I’m not entirely certain that it’s worth it.
Recently, we’ve been very focused on crabs. Hermit crabs, to be exact. An erroneous name, we’ve leaned, as they are QUITE gregarious beasties. They also like thumbs.