September 29th, 2006.

Not as good of a night tonight. Or at least, it didn’t feel quite as good. Heather and I went out to Rick’s Music World in Raynham, MA. I just wasn’t as ON tonight, something with my mood perhaps. I know I’d been snappish earlier in the evening.
Heather playing Will’s bike. In other notes, Heather’s NOT hardcore afterall. There was something red and sticky on her water bottle. She’s a bad ass, but she’s not hardcore. And really, when it comes down to it, “water bottle” makes it sound like she’s a gerbil.
She also got bit by something on the motorcycle, but didn’t mind one bit, cause Heather’s HARDCORE!

The owner, Rick (of course) was very welcoming, very friendly. The audience was enthusiastic and accepting, and the feature artist, who used to write with Peter Yarough, really liked us. There were a couple of really young players who really impressed me. Sarah, specifically was such a persona for such a young woman. Hell, such an amazing persona for someone MY age. Hopefully they’ll all follow through with their email promises, because I’ll never remember their names.

We came back to Will’s after stopping in at the Tinker’s Nest and totally failing to encounter the open mic there. Once we got back we sat and recorded some percussion tracks on Will’s motorcycle, because it seemed the thing to do. Now the New England night fills with rain and Will’s constant soundtrack, smells of dinner and cigarettes. I’m tired early tonight. Probably the Leonard Cohen and the storm.

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