Ugh. Well, it’s our last night (ha – morning) in Belleville, IL – and it’s the end of our arc. In a couple of hours will begin our journey back east, wending our way to Maryland by Tuesday of next week.
Tonight we played the Ground Floor, a place I had really enjoyed the last couple of times we’ve played – but this last time was just a little chaotic, a little difficult. The vibe has changed somewhat and I fear I had to be a bit much of an asshole there this time. I hate taking charge of something that I feel I shouldn’t be in charge of, but no-one else was stepping forward, and eventually someone HAD to step forward and make things happen… but at gigs this is a pretty thankless job unless you’ve actually booked the night. You just sort of end up with the blame when soundchecks or time slots run too long, and when there’s confusion, and when there’s misunderstandings. Still, met a couple of new people – Holly, A, B and C – thank you all for being so attentive to a couple of people you’d never encountered before.
Thoughts of Journal redesign have been running through my head as I’ve shoved my head under the pillow to escape both my waking thoughts AND the Headless Horseman. Frames and I-Frame tags, javascripts, tricky CSS useages all flitting through and being discarded. Caffeinated coding while only half-awake. I truly, truly wish there was just an “off” switch for my skull.
Ha – like I could trust anyone with the task of turning it on again – can’t you imagine the sweet temptation of leaving the rob off?
Still, might be worth it. Maybe I can talk to those people who make the bionic apples and see if they’d be willing to install a little toggle!