October 29th, 2006.

Across the street from the Seminary in Forest Glen, MD – there’s a vet who will ONLY work on cats. I’m imaging perhaps that’s because they actually DON’T like cats and only like poking cats with needles. It’s the only possible explanation.
So strange to see the grounds of the Seminary under the treads of bulldozers and steam shovels – the usual silence disturbed by men stapling roofs together on what appears to be pretty average row houses.

Ok, we’ve mentioned the Seminary in the Journal before… we even shot parts of the cover of Myxomatosis Failed and a couple of promo shots there. I’ve been going there for years, ever since a girl I was seeing invited me out for a midnight rendezvous with friends to this magical place, scouting for another friends’ vampire movie. I stumbled across it again while Rowan and I were Living in Kensington, unknowingly and literally around the corner from this spectacular collection of collapsing structures. I’ve seen it in all sorts of weather, and all sorts of seasons, and during a visit early this spring, I’d picked up a Save Our Seminary brochure with the tour schedule in it… and October 28th, 2006 was the first date I could make… and come Hell or high water, come incomplete Zeppelin tune or incomplete Halloween costume, I was fucking GOING!

As I drove south on I-95, the winds were picking up, piling the clouds dramatically on to one another, whipping the trees, spattering my windshield with rain.. I feared for my tour, but hoped perhaps I’d be one of the only people there (I’d invited some friends too, but only Janna could come – maybe just the two of us with a personal tour guide? tasty!)… however, the Seminary has recently been purchased by a developing company and is being refurbished into condos and single-family homes. On the one hand, it means that the buildings will be saved and rebuilt and money will be pumped into them… they’re keeping the grounds open to the public and are building a small museum – on the other hand, they’re also building a bunch of town houses right in the midst of the Seminary grounds. The immediate practical effect of this is that a LOT of people showed up for the tour! The secondary effect is that they’ve stripped a lot of the underbrush and grass out of the area and, according to water conservation principles and stuff like that that Sara knows about, there was a whoooole lot of mud.

Oh, and fences. We couldn’t access half the site because of mud and fences.

Beautiful in the autumn, walking up the dirt road to the Seminary in Forest Glen, MD – the leaves are flying and crazy.
Strange to be thwarted by fences. Bent metal and rust and roiling skies. Still beautiful.

Still, it’s always interesting to see what changes from visit to visit. I’ve been there while it was completely overgrown – for years the military (who’d condemned the property and forced the school that owned it to sell at an obscenely low price on obscenely short notice) had been fighting with the Historical Society to be allowed to tear it all down – unable to make progress, they’d aimed for a policy of demolition through neglect and allowed the buildings to fall into disrepair and in many cases, collapse. Since World War II, most of the large bridges have collapsed, many of the sculptures have been vandalized or stolen, the windows shattered… as recently as the 90’s arson has taken its toll, this past winter frozen pipes have caused even more damage, and apparently as short as a week ago, a building collapsed in on itself. I’m glad that something’s being done to save it, but all the majesties of what’s still secreted away inside – stuff we got to see photographs of on the tour and were told tantalizing tales of – that’s to be eternally locked away from prying eyes, restored as rich people’s homes…

There was this one moment of incredible unfolding when the undecided skies whipped and ripped…
… and the sun came out!

I don’t know, I’ve known about the Seminary for longer than many of these tour guides have, and noone has the right to a 1910-tiled swimming pool as a Living room without me at least SEEING it first!!!

Wandering the grounds of the Seminary – having different aspects pointed out as results of particular institutions’ occupations – originally a hotel and retreat from the swampy, mosquito infested environs of Washington, DC – the Seminary was then purchased by a man who turned it into one of the finest women’s schools in the country in the early 1910s. It was later confiscated by the Army and used as a military hospital and convalesence centre through World War II and became the records storage centre for Walter Reed Army Hospital when the war ended. I’ve heard it rumoured that it was once a military asylum, the home of a crazy rich guy… a number of other tales and urban legends – most of them are probably true, (in Obi Wan’s words) from a certain point of view… Oh, and the point of this being that although this corridor connecting one of the music composition buildings to one of the sororities was built during the Seminary’s time as a school (so the young flowers of womanhood wouldn’t have to be exposed to the elements) the yellow and black warning striping was an artifact of the US Army’s fine aesthetic.
The sculpture that forms the basis of the cover painting for Myxomatosis Failed will be restored – I was glad to hear they’ve apparently got the hippogriffs’ heads hidden away in a warehouse.
So, after a couple of hours wandering in the blustery autumnal whirl, I took Janna to get some of my very favourite of all time ever food – pho!!! (thank Janna for the picture)
Out of all the friends that I’d invited to come with me on the tour, only Janna could make it, sporting her new hair!!!


In any case, go check out the Forest Glen Seminary. It’s amazing.

And then, unsure of what exactly to do with ourselves, we went to Toys R Us where I was attacked by a baby penguin. (thank Janna for the picture)
My new Battlestar Galactica tattoo for our Halloween costumes… NO it’s not real!!!! But it’s inspired me to think about exactly what I’d like for my OWN experiments in ink…

After the tour, it was off to pick up Rowan and head over to College Perk to prepare for the Heather Birthday / Halloween show. We were expecting a house packed with friends and got exactly what we were hoping for (over and above – friends from North Carolina drove up seven hours from Wilmington to see us!!!!).

The band dressed up as Viper pilots from the new Battlestar Galactica, and we got to demonstrate our geek over the course of the night. We had our dogtags and call-signs and called ilyVIRGINS “nuggets”. A good time was had by all – the imbibement of ambrosia and the gathering of cubits was perpetrated and it turned into one of the best nights we’ve ever had. My friend Richard recorded the night, and though I don’t have high hopes of it being a very good recording, I’m eager to hear it and relive the night – though I hope I was as funny as I thought I was… though perhaps we can skip over the part where Dan Zimmerman (in his guise as a Moon Monster) probed me with his … device…

d his device from the moon… (thank Janna for the picture)
Erica as me! This is the third time someone has dressed up as me for Halloween, and every time it’s flattering. Flannel, tattered jeans, taped fingers, flames on the boots! Hee! Of course, the problem with having someone come as ME to a Battlestar Galactica-themed Halloween show is self-evident. CODE BLUE!!! CODE BLUE!!!!! (Luckily, I wasn’t thrown out the airlock, but only because she was wearing matching socks)
I drew a tattoo for Danger as well, with a dagger through a stylized Cylon Raider (new school), a triskelion and a flaming 75 (for the Galactica, whut?!!?). It was awesome to have SO many inside jokes – it’s funny – we’re part of such a geek-type community, I Love it. Star Wars jokes, someone even got my Warhammer reference… Heather lags behind sometimes, but you know, after we explain things like Armor Class and TARDISes to her, she catches on.
Melva and Von drove up from Wilmington, NC to see our show – Von is actually probably the oldest fan in the room, having known me from the Audrey days (Audrey showed up for the second set, btw!!!). Incidentally, her parents are animal trainers and her Dad is responsible for the Afflack duck!
K, Styx, Danger and Bunny of BSG 75, letting off steam between missions where we do what we always do. Fight’em till we can’t. (thank Janna for the picture)
Styx and K (what’s the K stand for? KILLER!!!!) did a set as IO to give Danger and I a break. Not that THEY didn’t need a break, but they got a break when we played the songs we’d been practicing on the road that THEY didn’t know. I’m NOT a FRAKKIN Cylon!

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