January 11th, 2007.

We’re in the studio, working on a couple of tracks for the new album, and our tech, Matthew of Transcendent Third is off in some iso booth with Heather, toying with microphones and changing distances and Sharif and I are shooting the shit about his nervousness over tonight’s game.

That’s right – tonight is Sharif’s first tournament as a major league professional gamer. Gears of War. He’s been drilling for days with his crack team of… video game players. Ah, the world is truly mad. I mean, they pay HIM to play video games and I’m spending hours and dollars in the hopes that someone somewhere will listen to electronic duplications of me beating the fuck out of a peice of wood with metal attached to it. How odd.

Playing at Jammin Java often involves getting there really, really early for load-in. It was really flattering to be asked to go and play their New Year’s Eve party, and even more flattering to finally ACTUALLY get a REAL sound check at Jammin Java.

I got my mom over to a new hospital last night, where the doctors and the nurses seem a whole lot more hospitable. They could say things like “this drug plug that drug? Of COURSE she’s sleepy?!!?” – why the other hospital couldn’t explain that, I have no FUCKING idea.

Heather singing with Firedean for New Year’s Eve at Jammin Java in Vienna, VA.

In any case, I’m just so glad to get that sussed out before we head off to New England tomorrow – or, well I guess we wouldn’t be going… or at least I wouldn’t. And that would’ve sucked.

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