Sitting at the College Perk with it’s new huuge bar, hanging out with friends as we all just sort of catch up with our Lives. Got work to do. I’ve spent most of my time today emailing and phone calling, and actually have a pretty decent return for my troubles for once – things are lining up in Colorado and in LA – even a show on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, which is just kind of cool.

But I’ve decided I don’t like talking to LA music people on the phone. They’re kind of mean.
Unfortunately, Perk’s wireless network has vanished, and I’m reduced to writing emails and hoping that tomorrow or tonight won’t be TOO late to send them. Internet troubles aside, I’m looking forward to the night, as I think it’ll be our last Perk appearance in quite a while. Not to be too arrogant or anything, but with the redesigned bar, the space is finally just too small for us to play, so we’ve got to wait until it’s warm enough to play outdoors.
I do like the feeling of convergence, though. A couple of friends are here – and I can almost sense others making their way through the Poeing outside (you know, Poe-like grey weather?). It’s going to be a good night.
Well, as much as I probably shouldn’t, I consider myself a College Perk “regular”. And as a regular, I’m possessive and arrogant about my possession. I’m more annoyed than I should be when some new employee acts as if I should be afraid of the owner, or when something that I used to order regularly isn’t on the menu… it’s not good.
And I haven’t decided whether or not my grumpiness about the space leftover for audiences here is legitimate or just a knee-jerk reaction to change. Genuinely, I think it would be tricky to have a full-band show here now (though I’ll know better after playing our set tonight) – but I would miss the open mic. It draws a lot of good people, and I Love the community, even though it, like me… is posessive and arrogant about its’ posessions’s.