A difficult nothing sort of day. My computer had a simple problem that has been exacerbated into a “wipe-the-drive-and-reinstall-the–fucking-OS” problem. It’s coming up on 5pm and I’ve been working on making my laptop run since around 10am. It’s driving me nuts.
And before we get too excited about the fact that it’s at least working well enough for me to be typing a Journal entry, I’ll let you in on a little secret: I’m typing this on my phone.
This is also driving me nuts.
Heather and I left yesterday – delayed by one thing and another – everything from family to sound system fuck ups to car maintenance to Heather getting teeth pulled conspired against us laving on time and it just makes me feel kind of unprepared.
It’s funny how I can feel like I’ve been rushed to get out on the road and yet also feel like, less than 48 hours into our wanderings, as if we’ve been out forever.
It was strange to be back in Maryland for so long – it was neccessary – but it was as if you were slacking at a job you really Loved. It WAS slacking at a job we really Love. We’re dangerously low on our reserves and we simply make more money while we’re traveling – so there’s a little weight off. There’s also something to be said for the fact that any emotional baggage we’re leaving in Maryland – well, we’ll be getting as far as it’s possible to get from it sans the use of a US passport.
Yes – we know there’s a song in that somewhere. We’re working on it.
I’m sorry to say that this also leaves our CD project unfininshed. The timing just got screwed and between one thing and another “Between Lover and Twilight” is sitting on the sidelines until we get back in May. It’s such a beautiful project, it pains me to leave it floating in limbo, but if anything, that’ll up the angst and flavour it with grrrowling.
I’m writing again. I can thank some specific people for that, but it’d probably be better to leave them anonymous. I think a new song ,”Trouble”, is almost done, but it feels a little long – it feels a litle clunky. There are some words that need some tlc and an assault by a good word masseusse. That’ll be me on a better day.
Today we’re catching up on our computer-based anger in Gastonia, North Carolina at our friend Ben’s house. He’s about the nicest guy you could ever hope to meet, and model-pretty as well.

It does make computer angst easier to handle when you’ve got some eye-candy around. Unfortunately he’s out of the house at the moment and poor Heather has to bear my stare. Poor girl.

We played in Hickory last night – it should be our last night playing through our little Crate amp – and I’m eager to catch up with our new Behringer system in Decatur. The gig itself sort of suffered from that. I was hungering to be a little louder, hun (oh my GOD the most horrendous BURP just came rattling through the ceiling – Ally, this guy could rattle YOUR records)…

Where was I? Oh yeah – the gig last night was alright, but I was horribly aware that my voice just wasn’t operating the way i wanted it to. Heather’s also under the weather – feeling the effects of the tooth extraction, hurting and cautious.
It was really good to see the Hickorese though – I think I really like Tee (the owner) and Katy, who’s pretty much teh reason we were there in the first place – well, she’s just one of my favourite people.
I miss her already.
And I’m cursing because I forgot to give her any of the THREE Cadbury eggs I bought in various locations.
Sigh. And I HATE Cadbury eggs. What’s a boy to do!