Wednesday found us racing from Los Angeles to the San Francisco bay area trying to get on the list for an apparently very well-attended open mic in Santa Clara.
There we were meeting up with Frank Rusch, our old bass player from the Myxomatosis albums. I’d met Frank a couple of years ago while hunting through AOL profiles looking for bass players back when I Lived in College Park. I remember I mostly ran across bass fishers during my hunt, and that that lead to a lot of really frustrating email conversations.
The Barefoot Roasters open mic turned out to be pretty cool, reminescent of a lot of my college days – but not really the crossroads of San Francisco scene that I was hoping for. We met some pretty cool artists and made some booking connections, and more importantly, showed off for Frank – but I’m not entirely sure if it wouldn’t have been better to just continue into San Francisco proper and start plugging away at our rice-a-roni city network.
Frank has always been very quiet, so staying with him for a couple of days sort of felt like an exploration into the unknown, and sort of felt like an invasion by the crude and slouching two-headed beast that is ilyAIMY. We made friends with his pet bunny, Winston, and ate a LOT of peanuts.