Sitting at the College Perk, enjoying the breeze. It’s absolutely unfair to have gone from the beautiful spring that we’ve enjoyed really since the trip began and we hit Alabama in February – even at the beginning of May in Ohio we were still having beautiful weather – and then the moment we crossed into Pennsylvania we had hot, humid weather and allergens. I’m waiting for the world to be blanketed in yellow, soft, fuzzy tree semen.

The hideousness of it all.

But the breeze at Perk, the music is good, the bar is alive with people working and chatting. It’s not like the hedonistic noise of pick-uppery that I’ve been dealing with in the background of every outing I’ve been on for the past several days…

I watched a movie the other night called Hard Candy. Named after slang for an under-aged girl met through the internet, it’s a pretty intense flick. A good movie, but not one that I enjoyed. Really well filmed, but a movie that actually made me kind of nauseous to watch. I guess, I don’t like seeing movies that involve a lot of torture, rape, cruelty… I don’t have any excuse for enjoying Saw, other than perhaps it wasn’t nearly as intenseĀ as this flick…

I figure, if you’ve had enough friends abused you don’t like watching movies about abuse, and if you’ve had enough friends raped, you don’t like watching movies about rape… though, interestingly enough, those friends that have been raped tend to be in to movies like that.

I need something funny to clean me.

May I suggest the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie For Theatres? Again, you know it must be pretty extreme if I’m suggesting cleansing by Aqua Teen… we saw that the other night. What dirty dirty minds. Dirty, dirty GENUIS!!!

So good.

And yes, for those of you getting rides from me in the immediate future? Be forewarned. I’ve already purchased the soundtrack.

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