Well, I’m sitting on Renie’s porch in Columbus, OH, fresh from viewing the fine flickage that is Resident Evil 3. I’m sitting alone. In the dark. My night vision ruined by my computer screen – but it’s okay because I’ve got the high ground, it’s a calm night and zombies don’t move quietly. All in all it’s not perfect, but it’s a strategically enviable position.
But behind Vic’s Midnight Cafe is a secret garden that is beautiful as the sun goes down… UFO!!! Whee!!! I was talking to someone about why it was called that. There’s a secret reason that makes me giggle.
Last night we played the Victorian Midnight Cafe about five blocks north of here. Though I was worried about the night from a turnout point-of-view we actually ended up playing to a pretty packed bar and we had a really good time. There was an excellent bluegrass band that played before us and after some initial battle with the bar’s ancient sound system, had ourselves a great night.
The Sunday afternoon, before we departed Columbus, OH, we went to the local arts festival and I busted up the joint. Rowan stepped away for a moment and got this picture of Heather and I performing at Vic’s Midnight Cafe in Columbus, OH.
I got to hang out with fun people, drink a LOT of root beer… at first I was nervous because people kept grabbing our tip bucket, but it turns out that they’ve got a very community approach to the pass-the-hat (bucket) thing and a number of our audience took it upon themselves to work the room for cash for us.
This bounty is what inspired us to go seek flickage today.
As we wandered an arts festival in the Victorian sector of Columbus, OH – we encountered many a lilypad. Also an exellent blues player (not pictured) at a gazebo (pictured). He was great, but sort of was like listening to a CD of Stevie Ray. Sorry man, rote memorization ain’t what this shit’s about. Huh. Every trashcan in the whole park was an advertisement for personal lubricant. Iiinteresting.
Columbus is SO strange – they’re obsessed with their sports here. It’s reflected in license plates and every store-front and in their advertisements for radio and car insurance. Last night as we were loading the truck a couple of kids turned the corner in their car and yelled “O!!!! H!!!!” Us Marylanders were completely lost and were kind of like “why are people yelling at us?!” but Renie screamed back “I!!! O!!!” It was kind of surreal. People don’t DO that back home. A friend of mine from Ohio had tried to warn me about this sort of behaviour, but I really didn’t believe her until today.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Renie caught something THIS BIG. I don’t remember what it was though. In Loveland, OH we played a little hippie coffeehouse called the BuzzThru Espresso Bar. There was no-one there. However, despite the fact that I’m not a violent man and have a good deal of contempt for people who just instinctively hate the police, I thought this local news story had a certain amount of fantastic attraction to it. Rowan caught a picture of me rocking. It’s what I do. I look sort of like Corey here. That’s a problem.
Ohio football fans are just CREEPY.