Man. Beyond the USUAL reasons that I’m glad I didn’t die in my sleep last night, I’m really, really glad that the above were not my last recorded words. My battery died.
Yesterday was a dead, dead festival – but despite that we had a good time – perfect weather, a couple of CDs sold. Had a great jam session as the sun went down, fighting the dying strains of the main stage. We met some cool people… it was flattering to be amongst such company. Though I’d argue most of what I heard wasn’t EXACTLY my taste, there was no-one there that wasn’t really, really good at what they did. Weber stood out, as did the Jane Rose Band and though we didn’t get to see them play, Spellbox’s CD has really blown me away.
Rowan finally gets to break out his guitar and do a solo slot at the Church on the Rocks open stage at the Hideaway Saloon in Louisville, KY (pronounces “LOOvull”). Dazzling women from dazzling bands (IF’n I do say so myself). Heather of ilyAIMY and Renee of the Troubadours of Divine Bliss! Emily of Weber – we met her at the festival on Saturday and I’ve become quite enamoured with her material. Gorgeous indie stuff… beautiful imagery. We met up with her at the Hideaway Saloon in Louisville, KY and then went home with her.
In any case, we made a Hell of an impression, even if the cold-ass night, the thumping bass of the Nappy Roots, the hideousness of port-o-potties and my growing phobia of them all combined to make me despise camping even more – overall a good experience.
Unfortunately, now ALL I want to do is sleeeeeeeep.