Ah, I’m so adult – but not so adult that I’m actually freaking out about the first snow of the season – just adult enough to see it as a mixed blessing. It’s powdery and sugary and virgin and clean and the sky is close and covering us with another inch before letting up.
DC, of course, is in a tizzy. Before even the first inch schools were letting out early and my social plans were wrecked. The low grey sky sapped my desire to accomplish ANYTHING but still managed to churn out some posters, a redesign to the website, a bunch of emails. Life is still chaotic, but I fell like I’m slowly getting things back on track.
Last night was of course the coldest night so far this winter (fall!!!) and that was the night that one of my mom’s cats pulled a runner, sprinting for the door and off into the night. Luca’s a bastard of a cat and Heather and I waited and worried well until 4am for him to return. It reminded me of grade schoo, sitting up and watching the skies and wondering what the weather gods had in-store for us and you ALWAYS fall asleep wondering just before the first flakes fall.