OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Tuesday night we headed over to the College Perk to play the open mic. It was a spectacular night and I even got my bass used by all sorts of creeping fingers, including Julian’s here of Native Son. He HEE!!! That’s right, that’s Fifth Circle on a friend’s brand new iPod!!! – it’s like we’re famous!
A sweet, sweet snow day here in Maryland. I’m glad that when I’m not able to go get the weather (i.e. California, PA is my home for sweet, sweet winter) the weather knows where to find me. I ate snow right from the pine and scrabbled around and about and did adult things like shovel snow off of cars and did not-adult things like dump it on Heather.
It was amazing to see what was supposed to be a nothing snowfall evolve into huge, fat flakes falling like a blitzkrieg from a pale moon – the world was totally offguard and it wasn’t until much later in the day that we saw anything in the way of official response.
At that point Heather and I had begun just watching the accidents from the house – a car enthusiastically flinging itself at our fire hydrant, another leaping across the path of another truck, the truck itself hopping joyfully up the curb onto the lawn. Set to classical music it would’ve been easily edited by America’s Funniest Videos into a thousand dollar winning chunk of hilarity. As it was I watched seven cars get into accidents in Owings Mills today, saw another couple out on the roads… people are just dumb and then the dumb ones so often wipe out the smart ones.
So sad.
In any case, now I sit in the basement in the dark soaking in Tori Amos and the aftermath of dinner, thinking about tomorrow and not worrying at all. Moods are such funny creatures – last night I was so depressed, almost in a panic over the sheer depths of my despair and today it’s all okay. A lot can be solved with snow off the pine.