It’s been nice being home, I’ve gotten to make some new friends and be a REGULAR at the College Perk open mic. Behind me Janelle and Heather are just supremely Lovely. And have good hands. Mmm… backrub chains are something that should NOT have died after high school.
My birthday was Lovely. The day before we did the rob tribute – I was flattered and almost overwhelmed by it all. If you’re curious, I have a bunch of mp3s from the night of everyone performing rob tunes. Heather doing Cricket Hunt in an effort to reawaken the song… but then last night a bunch of friends and i went out to eat dinner and then see Cloverfield and then eat dessert and generally feed our minds, eyes and bellies full of their various desired candies.
Cloverfield is an amazing flick. It was overly appropriate what with the main character being named Rob and all (I’m SURE he’s a capital ‘R’, he just seemed that sort) and I was really impressed with the form of the flick. It was beautiful and intense and a monster movie. It was Godzilla plus Blair Witch and I say that like it’s a good thing. Cause it is.
Then tonight I went on a man-date with my friend Peter to finsih of the triumvirate celebration of rob day. It wasn’t really an intentional man-date – a lot of friends were all coming with me to go the local science centre to watch a planetarium show – but then one by one they all dropped out or forgot to come or got sick until it was just me and Peter walking around opposite sides of the Howard B. Owen’s Science Center trying to figure out were one another was.
I haven’t been there in perhaps 15 years, Peter in something more like 10 (he grew up around here too) – I used to feed their baby boa constrictors – and so we sit next to one another in a very, very reclined position and sort of awkwardly realize we’d both invited people we’d hoped to be flirty with – people that couldn’t come. And so we were sort of in flirty modes but… then… well… we both had so much facial hair and… well… it got awkward fast. Especially at the end of the planetarium show when Peter was like “I’m kind of hungry” and I was like “well, you wanna go get something to eat?” and we ended up at a table or two staring across at one another in the dim, dim light…
In case anyone was wondering, no, I didn’t put out.