Oh man am I tired. But I feel like I feel tired all the time now. Really – this musician thing IS a full-time job and to take a part-time job on top of it is just painful. Plus the HOURS!!!! Having to be at work by 10.30am? My GOD. (yes, I know people, this is mostly poking fun at my own Life style)
And so – I guess I’m saying in writing what we’ve been saying outloud, first in whispers to our friends and then in increasing volume at increasing volume to an increasing volume of people – I think we’re NOT on tour right now.
For the first time in four and a half years, we’re not on the road – not even passing through Maryland, but legitimately staying in one place for a while.
We’re talking about New England in June. We’re talking about the midwest in August. We’re talking about leaving the whole of the U.S. for an indeterminate amount of time in about 6 months or so. But while we’re talking, we’re pseudo-relaxing into a semi-regular schedule here in Maryland where all of our friends are.
Both Heather and I need to chip away at some things – whether it’s the small amount of credit card debt that I’d racked up as gasoline prices sky-rocketed, or the repairs to my Saturn’s brakes that need to occur, or whether it’s just hacking away at my eternal I-am-singleness… I need to hack away at my writer’s block, at our new album, maybe even at my hair. Generally, there be change afoot.
Returning unto College Perk in Maryland, we find angry, angry cats on the roof making entry dicey at best.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
Heather’s home and getting to show off her tattoo to friends – Lovely Maggie Britt of Nashville and Nomad / John Thayer.
Not that we’re playing out less. We’ve been home for two weeks and by this Saturday we’ll have played out seventeen times. So we’re working.
But man, the exhaustion of working at the House of Musical Traditions, then fighting traffic, then playing another gig – I feel bad for coming back to the house and not wanting to talk to anyone, but I could use a real night’s sleep, but I just can’t get my body used to the idea of getting to sleep before 3am no matter HOW many times I have to wake up at 8…
In any case, it’s why I haven’t been writing much. Life’s been busy. I find that I write best (and most often) when I’m cornered, but here in my busy little chaotic conundrum of a world I never get to sit in the car as Heather drives, tapping away at my thoughts, placing them in cohesive order. My brain’s just a whirly mess.
On I-495 I get signalled by another drier that my back tire is flat. Fucking Hell – and so I end up on the side of the Capital Beltway changing my tire – and of course noone documents ME.
Which is probably a good thing as I manage to cut my hands up pretty viciously in the process.
Covered in blood, dirt and grime, it’s my most manly filth EVER.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
And maybe it’ll slowly come together. Maybe it’ll coagulate and maybe I’ll get to breathe soon… but oh MAN am I tired.