White Rose Confession kicking ass at the Victoria Station Cafe in Putnam, CT.
Heather and I performing at the brand new Victoria Station Cafe. It is glorious.
The cats were last funny come darkness. We spend the night in dread of little razor-sharp claws coming from unexpected directions, brought suddenly awake by strange yowlings and sudden assaults on hidden plastic bags. Two tiny leopards springing from stairs with plastic capes flapping behind them. They were tiny superheroes in the night.
What a beautiful night. Why can’t summer be like this the whole way through? Just cresting on 90 during the day, zero humidity and a beautiful night that begs for open windows and sweet midnight seductions. I want to lie in a field and and watch the stars whirl above me and play guitar to the gibous moon.
In short, it’s so good to be on the road again.
We’re in Philadelphia about to land again on Shane’s doorstep and we haven’t seen him in years. We miss him and I just wish we could’ve delayed the trip by a couple of days to land there for his birthday. Wouldn’t YOU want ilyAIMY on your front porch for your day? We swear we wouldn’t eat all your cake!
It’s funny to be with him again – having seen him through his entire time at Drexel University, how he’s grown from being a freshman to a tech support / IT diety. He gave us the mapping software that we rely so heavily on our first night on the road, oh so long ago. Insanity.
Tonight we played the open mic at the Burlap and Bean and made a good presentation of ourselves. It looks like we’ve lined ourselves up some gigs there for the future (thanks Daniel Lee) and picked up soem new friends in the process.
What with the way gas prices are and everything, if we want to continue any sort of touring, we’re going to have to get more familiar with our local towns – some of the West Virginia hotspots, Richmond, VA, Philly, Pittsburgh, other Pennsylvania spots, perhaps some New Jersey and Delaware as well. Tonight was encouraging. We just haven’t really been back to Philadelphia much since the Point closed its doors.
Hanging out with Shane and Ian was good – I’d forgotten how understatedly FUNNY the two of them were and then add in their two Bengalese cats and we were amused unto slumber.
After the Victoria Station Cafe, Heather meets a new friend and might even have fallen in a little bit o’ Love.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Puss in shoes.
Noisy superheroes.
Today we fight our way through New York City on to one of our favourite places. I can’t wait to see the NEW Victoria Station Cafe. Oh God though, I’m allergic to New Jersey.