June 29th, 2008.

This is the message that Seth Horan got from Tom Bianchi regarding the fact that the other two members of his Three Men on Bass were stuck in New Jersey.

I’m sitting at Joe Squared as Life becomes slightly difficult and goes faintly awry. This show was put together around the idea of putting together a little something something for 3 Men On Bass – the legendary combination of Tom Bianchi and Seth Horan and Gonzalo Silva – but unfortunatey, Tom and Gonzalo are broken down in New Jersey and we have but one man on bass. Not nearly that level of tension that I was looking forward to.

Seth brought me chocolate from Vienna and this makes up a little bit for the lack of the other two guys, but I was really, really looking forward to tonight and now my favourite, favourite bass player, Tom Bianchi isn’t going to be here. I’m slightly weeping into my tequilla.

There’s a jazz duo on stage, a couple of non-traditionally beautiful blondes at the bar that are tweaking all of my art school strings – but I’m early and I know it and sitting still makes me vibrate and nervous. I’ve told the bartender that I’m sticking the (rather gooey from the car-trip) chocolate from overseas in his beer cooler and that he best not touch it and Ash, who’d been planning just to be an audience member for the night, has been told that he might just be forced onto stage.

Well, five hours later and Seth had opened for ilyAIMY and then had regained the stage and then never left it as we returned and we all played together. Unfortunately, the audience never did really swell to even a quarter of the numbers we’d packed in there before but we gave the people who WERE there a Hell of a show. Seth was particularly amazing (oh how he’s grown in the three years since we saw him last) and his voice and playing is just so far beyond what I remember. His stage patter was as polished as his music and the last couple of years traveling all over the world for Warwick really showed.

I don’t know that Rowan and Heather and I made quite as good showing of ourselves – and mostly – I guess I’m pointing at myself. I broke a string in the first song and don’t know that I felt like I ever really recovered. I’m still feeling the remnants of Kelly Zullo’s cold deep in my chest, rattling around and kicking over the furniture in my ears, frustrating my voice and my temperature – it was the first time a couple of my friends from HMT had ever seen me perform and DAMN I can’t wait to give them a REAL show.

But that’s for later. At the moment, I didn’t get back home till 2am and I’ve got work in the morning, which makes me feel less the rob than I should be. Ha. The rob who has work in the morning. Sigh.

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