July 22nd, 2008.

Well, it’s not Perk, but I knew it wouldn’t be. That’s got plusses and minuses to it, but so far it’s just evident that it’s going to be a lot of work to make the Artmosphere open mic a real home. I’m hopeful, but we’ve all got a lot to prove to one another.

Hee! Heather and I got to go hang out at a bonfire party! We NEVER get invited to parties! That’s a lie. We never get to GO to parties cause we’re playing music all the damned time!

The sound is beautiful and the space itself is great. I think a lot of the best artists from the College Perk have made their way here, but unfortunately we don’t have that critical mass of people yet. We just need that vibrant, raw sexual energy that may not be possible without the proximity of the University of Maryland or the harder liquors. I don’t really believe that – I think it has more to do with the proximity of the people. We’re not compressed into one solid, sweaty mass. However, for a first time open mic, I think it’s going really, really well.

I do wish the owner had stuck around. It’s a powerful draw to an open mic if you can say “oh yeah, well, the owner often uses the open mic as an audition”. Oh well – we’ll see what becomes of us.

I’m thankful people have stuck around. It seems like there’s been a difficult mood all night, a lot of sour people. Fortunately, samples of exquiste sweet potato cake went a long way to lifting us all back up. For a little while at least. I just wish I didn’t have to get up tomorrow.

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